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Everything posted by blissfulkunt

  1. blissfulkunt

    Mosin Vs B95

    Mosin ALWAYS on my back, however I just love the look of the B95. I always carry it around in my hands till I get bored of jogging town to town, however I'm sure soon enough there will be a wide variety of attachments for the B95 and the SKS, just a matter of waiting.
  2. blissfulkunt

    Breaking "IT"

    We all have to understand that this game is going to take some TIME to get it to the survival game we want it to be. I have had constant deaths in the 150+ hours I have played yet I have only killed at most 4 people, people who act suspicious or are in the act of killing a helpless player, we must stay strong and promote actual interaction instead of the KoS mentality. DayZ SA I think blew Deans expectations and due to the popularity of the game there is now too many people playing it, with lack of understanding that it isnt quite a game yet, it is in the very very early stages of Alpha (Sorry I hate bringing that up). Anyways I had more to write but I guess my mind is half-fried right now as I have had no sleep and its 5:50AM. All I wanted to say is I 100% agree OP and have some faith because I believe there is more friendly's out there then we both think, and I will never let the "IT" factor turn me.. I know what type of game I'm playing and I would never play it like CoD.
  3. blissfulkunt

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    Yah sorry thats what I mean, YES to keeping it
  4. blissfulkunt

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    I say yes only because I have a lower end computer (please dont hate) and I have trouble with seeing people as it is lol
  5. blissfulkunt

    Reloading sound when logging in

    I hope its intentional, if someone spawns in near or beside you, its only fair.
  6. blissfulkunt

    Ruined stuff when u shot sameone?

    My god the recent influx of 12 year olds playing is seriously going to push me away....
  7. blissfulkunt

    Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

    Ya know, it kinda sticks outta the dirt, you can step on it, its a grey rock =)
  8. blissfulkunt

    Where are the .45 mags?

    Yeah, the FNX accuracy is actually quite the joke. That in my opinion has to be the most unrealistic gun in this game, if your target is further then 10ft just forget it.
  9. blissfulkunt

    cant seem to find an .56 ammos... only .45

    You can find them in the piano building (green balacony), hospitals, Rify (the destroyed boat), military bases, and to my knowledge ive found a few cases in the 1 story beige buildings with the kitchen.. If your talking about the 5.56 that comes in the little brown paper rectangle thing that is. It does seem they have gotten a little rarer. I think the way the "loot" systems works is every place that spawns ammo will have a chance to spawn them, but with all the ammo that comes in packages now they have a lower chance to spawn...
  10. blissfulkunt

    Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

    I randomly died a few hours ago, all I was doing was running through a forest, and literally dropped dead... No messages, No bullet sounds, just dropped dead when I stepped on a grey rock. Either I had a random heart attack for no reason with no warnings (Which would be straight up mental), Or little gray stones are raging bear traps in disguise. I will not be going near any rocks just in case, their bites really hurt.
  11. blissfulkunt

    The Reason for Hostility in DayZ

    Its also very easy to obtain anything you need, I think boredom comes into play here too. Im not saying that I am bored, I wont play it if I am. Just some people definitely get bored and go "Hunting" for anyone or anything.
  12. blissfulkunt

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    Im so glad I bought it so early, got to experience the things I wanted too. But im also an impatient fuck. Horrible trait of mine.
  13. blissfulkunt

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    Yeah, for sure. I dont really want to say this but I haven't played the last few days, I'm burning out from DayZ SA. I mean I have about 147 hours played which is plenty, but IDK. Maybe its because I dont go around killing people like others do, Im more interested in surviving and now that both my reg and hardcore characters have been alive for a week + there really seems like there isn't much to do anymore. I suppose ill play the waiting game.. I feel like it needs a little spice soon. Maybe add the bicycle sooner then later. IDK something.
  14. blissfulkunt

    Please bring cars or other vehicles to the game!

    They are 100% going to be available, but not to burst your bubble, its probably going to be months and months... and months.
  15. LOL. Shooting bambies for target practice... not my cup of tea. Why dont you shoot random objects in the distance and try out perfecting your zeroing instead? At least I would of thought OP would have a better explanation/excuse... What can I say though, Dean himself was killing anybody in that Euro stream. Anything goes, but I will still be a defender of Justice, even if the very people I think I'm saving, well kill me. LOL.
  16. blissfulkunt


    Yah, for one: SKS's seem to be everywhere for me... I choose everything over it now just because it seems so abundant. I believe I found 3 SKS in a hospital once, plenty in barns etc.. Actually, I would choose SKS over M4, M4's accuracy is just so blahhhhh My favorite weapon still has to be the Mosin, I'm not quite sure why, I just love it
  17. blissfulkunt

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    I dont snipe or anything but I have been KoS'd so many times that I am now just straight up scared of any interaction in the game, I feel its KoS or be KoS'd. Edit: Of course if I am not in sight I cant be KoS'd, I only act if they see me, If I cant run away I just hold down the mouse button and pray to the gods I survive. This game is really gonna mess our mentality up if we ever have a real apocalypse, atleast me lol. I sweat and have a heart attack the whole time I play this game, its better now just to play shirtless so I dont have to go through ten shirts in an hour. HAHAHA
  18. blissfulkunt

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Sadly, no pooping my pants yet =(
  19. blissfulkunt

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Or you could read the entire post, know that a mod experienced similar messages on the STABLE NON EXPERIMENTAL branch. IDK what all your guys problems are but stop jumping to conclusions... There is something going on in the stable branch. Stop being douches. OP's post is legit and a mod even confirmed this. Please read before you post as this is just embarrassing how many of you are just posting nonsense.
  20. blissfulkunt

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Read the whole post, its on STABLE BRANCH.
  21. blissfulkunt

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

  22. blissfulkunt

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Hmmm... Sounds like you experienced quite a bug since it was on a stable branch... The only thing I can possibly formulate is that maybe you automatically downloaded the experimental build and when you joined a regular server you still had all the experimental patches on your game, thus giving you the possibility of a heart attack. Either that or like I said a huge bug. I mean maybe somehow the low pop server somehow was able to update his server to have whats in the experimental branch? IDK lots of questions. Sorry for your loss OP, and sorry about the horrid responses from the Douchebags =(
  23. blissfulkunt


    OMG I wasn't even thinking of this, I have a gnarly beard IRL, I want one in game now... right MEOW!!!
  24. blissfulkunt

    WOAH.. Any1 else read this article? Just found it

    WOW, WTF did I just read.... somebody really needs a life.