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About blissfulkunt

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    Canadian eh?
  1. blissfulkunt

    StandAlone or MOD?

    Technically you "eat" the battery. LOL.
  2. blissfulkunt

    What has the standalone become ?

    This thread started full retard =)
  3. blissfulkunt

    Few servers + can't join

    OP since you just posted this minutes ago, Im going to assume your trying to play stable right meow. Stable servers at the moment are down for maitenance
  4. blissfulkunt

    [Experimental]Tactical Bacon Confirmed

    Im hoping we can use tactical bacon as a bandage, wrap that shit around the wound.
  5. Ballistic helmet does not protect you from punches, Motorcycle helmet does.
  6. blissfulkunt

    Anyone Know what's up with the servers?

    Hicks said no update today, still squashing a bug. So dont count on a stable update.
  7. All these people saying <30min are crazy mang! Idk if its because I always play in a group, or I dont server hop.. but it takes us days to fully get what we want, However we are all picky and are all about the fashion =P
  8. blissfulkunt

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    Well I can confirm I shot a guy 8+ times center mass with the .22, It didnt drop him.. I will be avoiding this rifle like the flu from now on
  9. blissfulkunt

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    I have not used it in battle yet, seems to do alright against infected IMO. I just found my first .22 Pistol, love how quiet it is, not a fan of the damage though against infected.. I got overwhelmed and lets just say the solution for me was climbing a ladder and logging out for the night... them infected be CRAZY on experimental.
  10. blissfulkunt

    From Hicks_206 Reddit on Development

    It does kinda bother me that they will never respond to posts here, just reddit mainly... but I also dont really care.. I guess I just find it wierd
  11. blissfulkunt

    When you die... do you - ?

    I usually take a break depending on how kitted I was... most of the time I just re-spawn though, I'm developing a serious addiction problem. Instead of the Alpha disclaimer there should be a WARNING:MORE ADDICTIVE THAN CRACK.
  12. blissfulkunt

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    Really OP, a post on Reddit too =P Anyways I found it pretty weak however the headshots I made with it always killed in 1 hit... I also think there needs to be a weaker rifle in the game anyways, if every gun was OP you will never struggle against the zombies... BTW OMG I love the zombies in experimental, they are everywhere!
  13. blissfulkunt

    Burning loot.

    Haha I was playing on a night server and me and my buddy were putting gas lamps on the road and turning them on, for that exact purpose, too see who shows up =) Edit: and great idea!
  14. Ahh man right when it starts to update I gotta go to the bank, cook dinner etc.. Please keep some loot around for me =)