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Everything posted by TheGoldElite

  1. TheGoldElite

    goodbye side chat...i shall miss thee...

    I would like to see side chat enabled for players who have radios, and they should be made moderalely common in any public service building
  2. TheGoldElite

    M4A1 CCO's Aimpoint not accurate

    EDIT nevermind, didnt read OP correctly hurrduurrr
  3. TheGoldElite

    patch 7.5... Good changes....BUTT.....

    Yeah I dont think you read the OP right. He said it took him 3 hours and no weapons, which is kinda bad. He didn't say anything about aggro or being sneaky or the zombies etc.
  4. TheGoldElite

    Why can't we all just get along?

    Nono, more like this Yeah though you make a good argument, but people won't change. The community is made of humans, and lately more and more players who aren't mature. I hope Rocket doesn't cater to these too much, by making a sandbox which isn't too gamey etc, so the children will lose interest with no real end game to pursue
  5. TheGoldElite

    DayZ without bandits

    Yeah I remember seeing that too, it was a great big interview. He said the new zealanders were very friendly, and in the original playgroup, which was the guys from Tackshack, there was all cooperation. He also said the Europeans were gungho shooting each other, and the Russians are plain cruel. But he didn't really complain, but I think he'd like to see a return to the previous ways, though I don't think that will ever be the case. Personally, the game is what it is, and it's up to rocket to nudge us in a direction with mechanics, if he wants to, but otherwise we're all free to do what we want, and PvP will always be an integral part of the game IMO.
  6. TheGoldElite


    haha so much fail in this post. ah new guys xD
  7. TheGoldElite

    patch 7.5... Good changes....BUTT.....

    haha you said butt. Haven't played newest update yet though, hope 1.7.2 is soon also.
  8. TheGoldElite

    Crossbow... Opinions?

    If you want to hit your target, aim for the feet. For god knows what reason it's zeroed out way too far, and the bolt's initially trajectory is way above where you would expect. Takes alot of practice.
  9. Notice how most DayZ players have never even played ARMA2.... More people have been hacked than before, though that may be cumulative, prehaps you should ask, hacked in the past week?
  10. TheGoldElite

    More maps?

    I really hope that DayZ gets round to taking other maps eventually, when its nearing the end of beta maybe. So much potential to try it out in other maps that already exist!
  11. TheGoldElite

    Anyone else experienced this?

    Exactly, people will play dirty, and this a good example. I think it's somewhat authentic. If a person knew he could reliably outrun zombies, but was running low on everything and had nothing to lose; might try this out of desperation.
  12. TheGoldElite

    Nice updates, thanks. (sincere)

    This guy works for BI, if I recall correctly. In due time he and his team will I'm sure. In either case he and his team are getting massive recognition so that's going to pay it's dividends in the future regardless, I have no doubt
  13. TheGoldElite

    Why are my leg bones made of glass?

    I can this getting nerfed in a future patch maybe, it does seem excessive from all the post I'm seeing, maybe quick knockdowns should be put in their place, like a 2 second KO, because a standing zombie attacking a standing player would have great difficulty attacking the legs with their hands, doesn't quite make sense.
  14. TheGoldElite

    How I became a bandit

    Slightly confused post. Accidentally killing your friend once instead of a randomer doesn't make you a bandit.
  15. But not effectively. I see vids of them still in action. BRING ON THE BANHAMMER
  16. TheGoldElite

    Dear Godz of DayZ....

    Thanks community for not spamming the alpha comments. yet. Witty post thank you xD
  17. TheGoldElite

    M136 question.

    If the HUD isnt red, fire away :) One use only the M136 is, the SMAW is reloadable.
  18. TheGoldElite

    3D models to contribute

    bump ftw
  19. I think there should be no starting gun ever, people less inclined to run around shooting like a maniac, because now it takes time to acquire the gun, so to go deliberately griedfing after getting it is less attractive.
  20. TheGoldElite

    Wilderness Spawn?

    This is called debug forest, search the forum for this issue plox. Welcome to the forums, people aren't too friendly on here xD
  21. TheGoldElite

    PCGamer: Day Z + Arma 3 interview

    Makes me feel sad that these features are in the game, but they didn't tell us. I think it's fascinating, that they went to that much detail including Direct chat VOIP attracts zombies. If they would have told us we could give feedback about it, seeing as this is alpha after all, not really meant for secrets :P
  22. TheGoldElite

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    Yes well said to Zed, at the start, and Vivorgksmorg on page 9, TLDR the inbetween pages. I summerise the two by :"Quite turning this game into something it's not, because your destroying another last bastion of hope" and "THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS" Gibbonici makes alot of good points, including stop thinking of this as a game, and more of a sandbox.
  23. TheGoldElite

    Annoyed with KO

    Yeah Im sure there is a punishment for DC during PvP. IMO it should be changed for a system where you CANT DC for at least 5 minutes after or during a PvP encounter, which could be checked using either the current system, recieving or inflincting damage, or you could add a 360 LOS check, and if there have been players that could have spotted you within 200m, you must wait for the timer to clear, or else your body stays ingame if you force the DC. One problem could be metagaming, where player would attempt DC to confirm whether or not they say a enemy player, to see the warning. Another solution could be to add a global timer of at least 1 minute for any DC ever. You can resume control during the countdown if you wish, or if rocket is feeling mean, you could punish douches attemping PvP DC by stopping them reassuming control for being dicks :)