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Everything posted by TheGoldElite

  1. yet, or has it been fixed yet? I saw leaking fueltanks fixes in an update patch sometime
  2. TheGoldElite

    You sunk my battleship

    Haha nice, I did something similiar in the mission editor once for the lols. They are in the vehicles section, so if you can spawn hacked vehicles, which you can, then this is entirely plausible, and legendary!
  3. TheGoldElite

    New audibility mechanic in 1.7.2?

    It's not that big a deal tbh, just carry on as normal xD
  4. TheGoldElite

    New NVG Spawn location?

    I think it would make sense for them to spawn at deerstands, but should be much more probable at barracks
  5. TheGoldElite

    My char needs the bathroom...

    Haha you'd be surprised the things people post on this forum while being serious :S
  6. TheGoldElite

    My char needs the bathroom...

    Because if absoultely nessecary we can just piss and crap wherever/in our trousers. Just assume they do it while logged out, because you didnt go toilet while in game either
  7. TheGoldElite

    DayZ Hatchet Betrayal

    HAHA! Who was that guy?
  8. They have been taken and repaired XD
  9. TheGoldElite

    Nothing Is Forever...

    Team up and have some fun! Risk it all in a gunfight! Why not, it's fun getting your gear back, and humbling :)
  10. TheGoldElite

    LA5A2 AWS?

    Hahaha if you type in LA5a2 RI....... etc, the name of the gun, into google. this is the only result! Congrantulations you made a googleplex thingy whatever it's called... See Search 1 result (0.07 seconds) SafeSearch off Web Images Maps Videos News Shopping More Chadderton, UK Change location Search Options The web Pages from the UK More search tools Search Results LA5A2 AWS? dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2238249 minutes ago – I'm wondering if the AWS is a legit weapon, on the wiki I only see the LA5A2 RIS CWS. I picked this weapon up a couple of days ago when I ... Advanced searchSearch HelpGive us feedbackGo to Google.com Google Home‎Advertising Programmes‎Business Solutions‎Privacy & Terms‎About Google‎
  11. TheGoldElite

    Extreme griefing with barbed wire.

    In terms of traps, maybe the grenade/smokegrenade wiretraps would he good. They would be one use however. IMO they should at least make it so zombies can't get through it, and it should not respawn once removed. If it can be vaulted over then I see no problem with that
  12. First point, anyone who has used the word realistic to describe the light levels is completely retarded, go outside for an hour and see how much you can see in the country. Even on clouded nights with no full moon, it's not PITCH BLACK, its JUST DARK. It is the way it is, as to reduce the amount people can just brightness/gamma hack, NOT FOR REALISM I hope they can make those unadjustable ingame. People can still fiddle their monitors but it wont have as much effect. Then we can have slightly brighter nights with shades or grey, which is more realistic.
  13. TheGoldElite

    Free stuff on FR4

    Haha I just left FR4, and just realised how close I was! I was about 2k away, heard or saw no one however, Set up my first ever fire and got my blood up from 4k with a bag full of steaks now :D
  14. TheGoldElite

    Patch Notes you never want to see

    What you honestly mean is "Here are my suggestions". I only agree that we need a dance command
  15. TheGoldElite

    Zombie behavior

    Interestin points! The current spawn system does feel abit forced, but Is probably for better performance. I would like the team to reconsider zombie spawning thoroughly
  16. TheGoldElite

    DayZ or LOGOUT WARS!

  17. TheGoldElite

    Guns in action

    haha nice gear guys, I have regular m16 and a m1911. I have very little gear of note, but thats because I've never been in a proper city this play xD. I planning on entering a large town tonight though with a supermarket at 4k blood. wish me luck!
  18. TheGoldElite

    Flashlight still not working!

    Haha maybe it's an intended feature that lights have faulty buttons because they are old :)
  19. TheGoldElite

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    I've played entirely in 1st person and I have no problem with it. If they are limiting servers to one ruleset, 3dp OFF and CH OFF. It's just too exploitable and gives unfair advantages to people in cover already, as the pic above shows.
  20. I think people should not be allowed to spawn in areas with loot spawns, or they should be moved. But it's hard to say how that will effect the game, as you will have lots of spawning people just outside of town. Better than the current system probably though. So I'm not entirely sure how, but DC and spawns are massive immersion breaking things that must be addressed
  21. TheGoldElite

    Spawning with no weapon = awesome.

    Haha lucky there was no bandit with hand grenade amongst you xD.
  22. TheGoldElite

    DayZ Database

    Creative suggestion, but I'd have to agree with the other comments. By sticking to a server you could get to know people etc. Besides, without sidechat this database would be very rarely useable, direct comms range gives no time to check.
  23. TheGoldElite

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    We can't have classic zombies, because they would clog up the game to have enough of them to be a threat. The "infected" model is more practical. thats why they are this way. Also interesting point Zed.
  24. OP was trolling some people who deserved it. Lets not get all bitchy in this thread, though TBF this probably belongs in a story thread, or in the bandit/survivor HQ. I would have placed it in bandit, for some counter-bandit lols
  25. TheGoldElite

    game has become silly..

    In I was cared zombies would agro from far, but I've noticed that for a prone player they are blind as ever, and even in their direct sight at 10m they don't spot me at 1sight bar! Running is a big nono, and the crouch run/walk both give 3 bars in light grass now! Anyway I have had NOOOO problems with stealth, it's much better IMO. Also I have taken many hits, even at 4k blood, and I'm still going. As ever listen to Zed, he is omnipotent. IIRC if you do the slow crawl you stay on zero sound, but Im not sure if that raises your sight, maybe by a fraction of a bar (Unless the bars are discrete values, and don't represent a spectrum)