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Everything posted by Skycaptin5

  1. Skycaptin5

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Have just started livestreaming on Twitch again and will be doing Day Z soon! http://www.twitch.tv/skycaptin5 Then that will most likely end on my Youtube channel or I will be Livestreaming there as an alternative https://www.youtube.com/user/skycaptin5lol
  2. Skycaptin5

    Getting People to Read Us a Story!

    So we finally got some guns after walking around for however long and decided to play a game with people that we had caught. Decided on having people create a story for us in which we would let them go if it was good enough (and a reward) or basically death if not, fun times! Oh and we're looking for more squad members to do other adventurous games! "A Texas Matchmaker" "The Metamorphosis" "Middlemarch"