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ValentinBk (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ValentinBk (DayZ)

  1. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Are wounds and puddles still coming?

    Hey guys, I remembered today a dev blog I read a long while back (probably more than an year ago) that got me really excited. The blog mentioned wounds that will be caused by gunfire and melee hits, blood puddles that will be the visual response for bleeding, keeping bodies for as long as possible (server load, and all that stuff) and decaying flesh. I've been semi-following the dev blogs and haven't seen any mention of those features since, has anything else been said about that stuff? Below is a screenshot I took of the dev blog back when it came out, couldn't find it on the forum now (might have something to do with the new forum) https://i.imgur.com/QKOccjj.jpg
  2. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Are wounds and puddles still coming?

    To anyone who played the 0.63 stress tests, is any of that stuff in? I remember seeing a bunch of vids with blood stains that appear after a character took a hit, but is there anything beyond it now?
  3. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Are wounds and puddles still coming?

    Was wondering if there's any news on that, that SR got me very interested
  4. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Status Report - 24 May 2016

    I haven't played the game in a long while, did it get response mechanics (such as the blood puddles and decals) mentioned in the report or is it supposed to be added sometime in the future?
  5. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Blood and Bullet holes (Decals & Particle effects)

    This looks awesome. Great job OP This sounds really good ARMA games have an awful damage system. Basically they have a few textures for each limb, the head and the torso. Those textures always look the same no matter what killed the character. I really hope that when DAYZ introduces visual damage effects they won't go "the ARMA way"
  6. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    A (Former) Good Guy at the End of his Patience's Rant

    The dark side is happy to welcome you :D
  7. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    Zombies don't run on magical forces, they are infected humans and they need the organs to operate, so trauma to the body should absolutely count. Can they be more tolerant to torso damage? Sure, but it still has to make sense.
  8. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    Avoiding a feature because "it could offend somebody" is never the right way to go. I'm personally for hanging, whether suicide of hanging someone else. It would add greatly to the brutal atmosphere
  9. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Dayz needs more mask.

    A leatherface mask might actually get me to craft stuff ingame :D
  10. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Fade to Black (Death Suggestion)

    One more important aspect is death animation + ragdoll. You have great points, but it would really be boring if it was only visible for the dying character. Some struggling animations while the character is on the ground would be awesome.
  11. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Player activated environment sounds

    I was thinking more of a spectator mode thing (a spectator people can shoot down), but I know it won't happen.
  12. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Player activated environment sounds

    Actually flying above Elektro or Berezino, watching all the madness from above sounds really fun.
  13. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Suggestion for the Future (Survival)

    Ehhh.. Back to the same assumptions that people pvp because there is nothing to do. If there was nothing to do, I wouldn't buy the game, and definitely would not spend 316 hours (as of now) in it. How about this for a suggestion, loot stays pretty much as is (I like the balance now, actually), all the farming options and survival aspects will be added, and if you want to have a peaceful Bear Grylls\Farmville playthrough just stay away from the PVP zones. If you want to take a stroll through Elektro\Berezino in a full server do it at your own risk.
  14. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Civilian loot in barracks?

    Getting fully geared doesn't mean that much, you can still very easily die, even from a bambi with a pickaxe. But you will be much more pissed since you spent more time gearing up than actually enjoying yourself.
  15. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Ability to collect gun powder from ammunition!

    I can imagine emptying a whole bunch of ammo boxes in a backpack than dropping it in some street. Someone goes to investigate, I take a shot at the backpack... BOOM!
  16. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Civilian loot in barracks?

    I think by "herpes" he means a few guys ambushing server hoppers in a military base
  17. Even in a post apocalyptic world, the entertainment industry won't die, it will adapt. I present to you our post apocalyptic singing show - Chernarus Superstar :D
  18. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    I Surrender!

    Pretty sure I saw this suggestion before, but yeah, it needs to be done.
  19. Or that someone made you eat human meat under gunpoint :D
  20. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    What none of us want to admit

    Dude, go on a populated server to one of the pvp cities and just see how many people are shooting each other, force feeding each other stuff and just generally dicking around. I don't know if we are the majority, but there sure are a lot of us. While it could originally be intended for berry picking, hunting and whatever, you can't deny that what made the game REALLY popular is the sandbox pvp aspect. Saying "fuck you" to that is just not a good idea. Just a small edit: if you look at the status quo from a post apocalyptic aspect it makes sense. You could live in the woods, worrying mostly about getting food & water and maybe dangerous animals if they get implemented. In the cities, however, while there is a lot more loot, the danger lies in marauders and other psychopaths. I pretty much said all I had to say on the topic and any further I will just be repeating myself (which I already did, several times). We will just have to wait and see what's going to come in the following months.
  21. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    What none of us want to admit

    There's not a lot of resources to be wasted for that. Just an "off" button for persistence to get restart based loot respawn that we already have. Forcing tomato growing\walking simulator on everyone is by no means a good idea.
  22. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    What none of us want to admit

    A lot of people enjoy the pvp-interactions aspect, probably a lot more than was expected. And from the devs point of view denying it and saying "But that's not the point of the game!" would not be very smart. What I suggested several times now is - why not have both? Hardcore mode for the people who enjoy searching for berries\apples, drinking from ponds (since the towns are practically empty) and having camps in the forests with the little they could find. And normal\easy mode for the people who just want to pvp, with the loot being similar to what we see now.
  23. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    Am I just lucky?

    I actually started capturing videos for a hackers compilation, started just 2 days ago and I already have 2 videos. In one of them the hacker tells me to drop my gun (an M4 I took off someone I killed)
  24. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    What none of us want to admit

    As far as I know ARMA doesn't has the player interaction we have in DayZ. Teaming up with random people can be awesome fun.
  25. ValentinBk (DayZ)

    What none of us want to admit

    I keep seeing the "nothing else to do" comment here on the forums, but I strongly disagree with it. Realistically, how many people would keep playing the game if there was nothing to do? Some people would, but most people would just go play something else. I believe the reason for the MASSIVE amount of pvp ingame is because its so damn fun, rather than the "nothing to do" suggestion. I`m personally all for making the pvp challenging. Much more zombies? Awesome. Complex injury system? Please yes. But I want to be able to easily obtain a civilian gun with some ammo. As far as I`m concerned they can leave all the really good guns far in the west (which is kind of what happens now).