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About bioMatrix

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    Harrisburg, PA
  1. bioMatrix

    Belch after drinking soda

    To add realism to soda consumption, how about involuntarily belching after downing a whole Spite or Pipsi in a few seconds (as would undoubtedly happen). Players would have to be more careful about drinking these items in order to avoid giving away their location. What do you think?
  2. I shed tears... From laughing so hard just trying to imagine characters taking a dump or waking around nude. Just too dang hilarious. I come back to these and similar threads when I need some comic relief. :D
  3. bioMatrix

    Horde of hundreds zombies spawning

    Honestly I don't mind if there are as many zombies as there are in Dead Rising 3. I think it would make the game more exciting. Just please fix the glitch where they walk through walls! Also I don't mind if they can see you through walls. Maybe the zombies' sense of smell or hearing is heightened?
  4. bioMatrix

    Near Death Experiences

    As you know, people who have been near-dead (or I imagine if they die and don't live to tell about it) have reported seeing strange phenomena: floating above, being in a light tunnel, and having their life flash before them. It doesn't go completely black. So when you die in Dayz why have the screen go blank? How about showing a white tunnel with black sillouete figures coming out and some spooky sounds. Maybe float above the ground where you lay for a short while. Make it like a real NDE. What do you think?
  5. bioMatrix

    Women Clothes

    I think there should be skirts - nothing too kinky, just 6" above the knee and containing the same number of pockets as an average pair of pants. How about if a guy comes up to a skirt, he cannot wear it but can tear it into rags or tie it to his backpack for extra storage (to compensate for not being able to wear it).
  6. bioMatrix

    in-game Sports

    I'm all for this. It would give players something to do besides manhuntin'. I'd say just put a soccer ball on the field, give the ability to kick it around, and let the players have at it!
  7. bioMatrix

    The people you can meet in game.

    It wouldn't surprise me to meet famous people in DayZ, such as celebrities or off-season/retired athletes. They tend to have a lot of time on their hands.
  8. bioMatrix

    18 Holes of DayZ

    What was I smoking when I thought of this? Nothing! I think like this normally. :blink: Wait until this generation "grows up" (if that ever happens :D ) then we might see more second-life/DayZ social networking possibilities.
  9. bioMatrix

    18 Holes of DayZ

    Hi Guys, I thought of this while watching YouTubers play DayZ and chat with each other about random stuff while walking across the map. What if DayZ (or similar types of slow-paced MMOs) became a popular way of socializing and conducting business deals? What if it supplanted golf as a professional networking tool? Instead of going to the country club in the sweltering heat, imagine chatting with business associates while chopping zombies with a fire-axe, sniping at other teams on the airfield, or looting for canned tuna. Is this a crazy idea or will it come to fruition as this gamer generation comes of age? Personally I hope DayZ networking becomes a trend because I can't stand golf! (except mini golf 8-) Thoughts?
  10. Here's something strange: I noticed that my in-game name is my real first name, not my Steam profile name. This happened shortly after I joined the forum. I wonder if somehow the game takes some properties from the browser or my PC. My real name is nowhere in my Steam name history. Real clever stuff, but I'd prefer if people would instead see my Steam name in DayZ. Thanks
  11. bioMatrix

    Sound for Eating

    Here's an idea... For eating, why not license from Valve the TF2 Sandvich sound the Heavy makes, ("om nom nom nom, om nom nom"). Inject some humor into the game! :-)