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Everything posted by inphared

  1. inphared

    My dayZ experience so far

    Oddly enough I haven't been KoS'd yet in 30-40 hours of Stable. However, played EXP for 4 hours last night & was KoS'd twice within the first hour lol.
  2. inphared

    Your first kill

    I bought the game about 4 days ago & I think I have about 35-40 hours logged so far (went hard as I was off work for a week). My first kill was about 10 hours into the game or so, on my first day. I had gotten quite geared, had a SKS & headed up to the NEAF. It was a low pop server (as I wanted to get used to the game), so I headed to the barracks beside the ATC tower & heard someone drinking upstairs as I entered. I pulled my SKS out, aimed down the sights & slowly peaked around the corner. I wasn't expecting to see him at the top of the stairs (thought he was in the room being safe) & I guess we both startled each other. He fired, I fired & when the dust settled, he was dead & I was bloody. I tried saying sorry over the mic, as he scared the crap outta me, but he was already dead. I've gotten used to being a LOT more cautious now.
  3. inphared

    You hear someone say, "Hello?"

    Just got the game a four days ago, so I have a feeling I haven't had the KoS banditry engrained into my brain yet, but so far I have been incredibly friendly. Haven't held anyone up & anyone I've had the jump on, I usually say hello & ask if friendly before I show myself. Although I did KoS a few people in the new town yesterday on experimental. I had already been shot twice in the back, as a fresh spawn though, so I was getting tired of being nice.
  4. inphared

    Experimental patch..what a winner!

    Don't know exact directions, as I just got the game 4 days ago, but it's northwest of Svetlo. I spawned in Svetlo, followed the railroad west & came up on. Pretty hard to miss considering how absolutely MASSIVE it is. Don't forget there's two new cities though, the huge one and a smaller one close to it. Can't remember exact direction.
  5. inphared

    Experimental patch..what a winner!

    EXP was pretty good but the rubberbanding made it near impossible to play. I toughed through it and logged about 4 hours but it was alright. Didn't get the chance to fish but the new fireplace is cool although semi-useless atm as there's more than enough food to find & eat, without having to cook. I also never saw a single animal that they added, weird. The new town is absolutely MASSIVE though, especially the industrial complex area. Not sure if spawns are messed there though, as about 50% of the places I went, all the loot was floating in mid-air & after a fresh server restart, there was literally 0 loot inside an entire police station, bizarre.
  6. inphared

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Was the same for me last night with US servers. If you want to play, just keep double clicking on the server until a spot opens. That being said, EXP was borderline unplayable for about 1/3rd of the time last night. Rubberbanding for over 60 seconds straight where it felt like I had a leash attached to a building. No matter which direction or what action, I would just get teleported back. Died twice being teleported outside of a building I was in 30 seconds earlier. Haven't tried fishing yet but chopping trees, searching for berries/apples & making fires was pretty cool. Wasnt able to upgrade my fire but made the simple one. Couldn't find any ammo for the AKM but the new longhorn pistol is insanely loud. Interestingly enough, I ran around the new towns & NEAF/Svetlo mostly & never saw a single animal.
  7. They added the new weapons/ammo/clothing spawns into the changelog, I believe.
  8. Trenchcoat in-game picture: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=235783170
  9. Here's another new addition:
  10. Lol don't even play the game yet & here I am spamming refresh for change logs. If you guys want to see new stuff, check the DayZ subreddit, tons of screenshots. Here are some:
  11. inphared

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Fully expecting a "hell no" to this but figured it was worth a shot. Computer is old and I am going to rebuild it in April or so this year, but I want to play now! Current specs: Desktop/Laptop: DesktopMonitor Resolution: 1680x1050CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 (3ghz, 6MB cache)Graphics Card: eVGA GTX260 (896 MB)RAM: 4GB DDR2 (I know, I know, I run an old Asus P5B mobo). No clue on the timings though.SSD: Yes - 128GB SSD