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About inphared

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    BC, Canada
  1. inphared

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Yup, I noticed that too. It's a nice change actually, I noticed myself becoming far too reliant on the game letting me know when someone was close.
  2. Meh, it's alpha. I am more concerned with persistent storage, proper zombies with their new AI, vehicles, etc being implemented first. It it disappointing that I get FPS drops on a GTX780? Yes. Enough to make me want to stop playing? No. I get it though, it definitely sucks, but they (the Dev team) have to pick & choose what they want to devote their time & efforts into. So if they wanted to fix performance, that means they lose people and time from another area.
  3. inphared

    Where do I find the AKM?

    I've found all of mine in barracks, I'm convinced they don't spawn anywhere else, heh.
  4. inphared

    What should I keep? the AKM or M4?

    I haven't used the M4 a whole ton but I definitely prefer the AKM. PSO1 scope is nice for scouting things out ahead when you need to & don't have bino's or Mosin/LRS. Plus, now that M4 only spawn at heli's, ammo is a lot harder to come by.
  5. inphared

    Stream Sniping....

    I think it all depends on the streamer. if they're a nice person, not griefing people & generally entertaining, they should be left alone. However, I have stream sniped once, it was yesterday actually, & that was because the guy has his twich name as his in-game name. So I checked him out & noticed he was rolling with a crew & being a dick bandit to basically anyone they came across, so me & a few friends took them out. I think it was justified but others may not agree.
  6. inphared

    Where did YOU find an AKM

    Havne't found any in .46 on EXP yet, but in .45 stable I have found two. One in the barracks of the military base to the South East of NWAF. The other I found in the barracks of military base at the south of Zelenogorsk. Attachments seem to be EVERYWHERE. I've ended up with all pristine attachments & multiple mags before finding the gun.
  7. inphared

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Rubberbanding/Input lag was horrificly bad at many points last night. Was playing on LA & FL EXP servers & was getting teleported back a good 100+ft quite often. Seemed to mostly happen when people were trying to join the server, but not always. Also, military tents not spawning loot sucks but it sure makes looting them a lot quicker. Still haven't found a damn grenade yet!
  8. inphared

    Where do I find the AKM?

    It's all luck of the draw man, although I will say that it looks like the amount in the world is far less than it was in experimental, which is a good thing. I made multiple trips to NWAF, Balota & Police stations along the way & never saw a single one in 5+ hours of play. Unlucky.
  9. inphared

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Yup, same here. I've died twice to being one shot by zombies & both times I was wearing a pristine helmet (ballsitics one time & a motorcycle one the other). It's cool that they are somewhat dangerous but annoying when you get one shot.
  10. inphared

    any news?

    Nope, no info. Not like there's threads about what's going on, twitter, facebook or an entire subreddit dedicated to DayZ. Nope, not at all.
  11. inphared

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    I don't use the splitting axe, but with the fireaxe it's 1 hit kill to any part of the zed. If I have time, I aim for the head, but many times I've hit torso & it still kills them in one shot. That being said, EXP zombies seem to hit harder than the stable ones. I have bled WAY more times on EXP than I ever did on stable & a few times I've had pristine vests ruined in 1 or 2 shots.
  12. inphared

    Ambient noise still broken?

    It's been said a million times by Dean & co., sounds are one of the last things they will be working on, once they get all the MAJOR stuff implemented & working properly. Is this annoying? Yes. Does it make sense to do it like this? Yes.
  13. inphared

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Well you chop down trees for firewood & small bushes for kindling (although you can chop the firewood down into kindling). The ashwood sticks you get from only specific trees & they are used for either the Ashwood Bow or the Fishing Rod. So yes, it's very useful to have an axe on you in the new patch.
  14. inphared

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Speaking of EXP, anyone test out using items to either chop down trees or open canned food? Before you would have a badly damaged item after opening only a few cans or chopping down 2-3 trees. Is that still the case?
  15. inphared

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    With the current stable build? I'd agree that fists seem to be the best way. However, the current EXP patch that is about to get pushed to Stable, axes are once again king. You can 1 shot zeds with a fireaxe & 2 shot with the splitting axe.