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Everything posted by dinostaRR

  1. dinostaRR

    Attachments 0.49

    Hello everyone! Could you guys tell me where could I find weapon attachments? You will believe it or not but we did a full map run yesterday and we found only one ak101 attachment, and few flash lights for guns. 0 scopes...
  2. dinostaRR

    Attachments 0.49

    Okey, so after several test I did found attachments like this (yet): Garages: long range/pu scope Police building, green boxes: long rage/pu scope, other pistol attachments or xbow Military baracks: AKM / AK101 attachments Heli crashes: M4 attachments
  3. dinostaRR

    Attachments 0.49

    I will not define anything. I wrote it down. We didnt server hopped, 1 server for hours, even with few restarts we couldnt find anything. Shocking part was that military spots are crap too. But hey, maybe you could give me some advice instead of posting boring gifs? Cheers.
  4. dinostaRR

    Face Painting

    Hello It would be awsome to paint our character face, just like painting the mosin with green or black paint, why not add the posibilty so we can do some camouflage paint on our face. I dont like to wear any masks. What do you think? Just a new item in-game like "Paint tubes" and also something to remove :)
  5. First they have to fix that you cannot go through the walls/textures, like in the prison buildings near the airfields.
  6. dinostaRR

    cheat or glitch using or wtf ever?

    this should be priority to fix... since few days everyone is bugging in those prison houses... :\
  7. dinostaRR

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Same here, ware are a 4 men group. wait on server host, after a really laggy server... :\
  8. dinostaRR

    Face Painting

    Capo, sure :D