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About Sambora

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have been gaming for longer than some of these guys have been alive. I played Ultima Online in its infancy, and was happy to play a game where I may take 1 step every 30 seconds, and then lag back after 3 or 4. The servers went down at around 3am and reset to midnight's status, so 3 hours of work was lost. And that was a released game. This early access alpha is worth every cent, and you really have no reason to defend yourself, as you do it up front before you go against the creator's (YOUR) recommendation and buy it. Thank you for the transparency. It really does make up for any frustration from taking alpha too seriously. It shows us you respect us as a player base, and we can look forward to open honest answers. I'm not a FanBoi. I will call you out when it's GA if there is something silly going on. So all the "fanboi haters" can just keep it to themselves, I won't respond. I recommend anyone complaining just stop playing and come back later. And by all means, please re-read what you agree to every time you load the game. Now...it's time to go eat some beans. I F'n love beans.
  2. I just look at the "time" column, and so far, if it's daylight where I live at that time, it's daylight on the server too.