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Everything posted by Watson495

  1. Watson495

    BANDITHUNTING (DayZ SA, Hardcore)

    ooohhh doch :D Regular is fürn Arsch :D
  2. Watson495

    BANDITHUNTING (DayZ SA, Hardcore)

    muss ja sagen das ich das gut finde :D nur wenn du an dem Berg in Elektro bist würde ich mich definitiv nicht so frei bewegen ;) wären wir da gewesen hätte das anders ausgesehen :D
  3. Watson495

    Lockable and breakable doors and windows

    Just an Idea but .... Locking doors to prevent Zombie Fights? Maybe we could lock the doors with a Special Kit or Something and other guys can unlock them with Lockpicks? What would you say about it?
  4. Watson495

    Snipers / Ghillie Suits

    We could need some more Snipers and Ghillie Suits! A Mosin and a SKS.... thats what we have. We could need the AS50 or new Hunting Rifles. With more Range etc.. http://img.dayzdb.com/img/screenshots/full/117.png
  5. Watson495

    Snipers / Ghillie Suits

    sorry for saying what i want... -.-'
  6. Watson495

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    30 because me and my friends are in Elektro all the time and the other guys in elektro aren't so friendly. 20 kills to save my friends and the other 10 for the Loot ( i'm sorry :3 ) 66 ingame Hours :)
  7. The Admin is invisible and is shooting at us .... he killed me and my friends 5 - 10 times -.-' thx for the "fun" on this server.