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    Woodland Warrior

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    Wake up,survive,sleep
  1. Sorry but a hero spawned next to me and saved me thank you anyway! :)

    No Surrender types

    Kill or be killed.

    Just pictures from my dayz experience

    Found a sprite growing in a bush. Just won in a m4 vs arms (i was the arms :D). An experiment with my friend,how many time it takes to kill someone with the fire extinguisher.(only one in the head). I discovered a heli near black lake. Awesome pose with the beautiful mosin(i love it!! :wub: )

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    So is the devs saying something about this?

    Reaction On Dying

    The goal in dayz is to die,spawn,gather loot,die again,spawn........ die is a regular thing in dayz,you either accept it or rage quit from the game. Its your choice.......

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    This will be a very good system. Im trying to be a hero but everyone that i'm trying to help him either try to kill me or just combat log and sometimes om forced to kill people that i don't know if their bandits or heroes or just civs,its realy make me sad that i can help players because the game doesn't have this system.Basically its needs to be in the next update (version 34).
  7. Awareness and always be in a group of friend that you can trust them. Basically,be a survivor.......

    Combat log -_-

    I found someone at the airstrip near Olsha,I told him im friendly with my mosin aiming towards him and he should do f2,After a while that he didn't respond to me and just looked to me a zombie came through a wall and i said to him,to watch out from the zombie and then he just combat logged and i shooted the zed.FTW! Basically it was a very strange combat log and im glad that the next update would put an end to combat loggers :thumbsup:
  9. I want to help too but i didn't find any transmitter yet.... :( Do you know where i can find one?
  10. Maybe we need to test it yourself,like sitting in the green mountain,put the transmitter on,and basically wait until there will be a broadcast,thats it,basically.......

    The Finished Game

    But what about the mods?workshop?

    The Finished Game

    Will the game be finished? I dont think so because they probably will added mods and of course workshop,but what can be modded and what will be before the mods?there will be base building?a larger crafting list?underground bases?modded cars and airplanes?a more more larger map?who knows?maybe there will be never a stop for the game being developed. Well i hope it will do......

    Www.melyco.com Server Needs Banned

    dude,just join another server.....
  14. So all chances its a hoax? Because the origins of dayz are very interesting,for me,so its will be very disappointing if its all a hoax. :(