Hi! I have got the same Problem since the last patch. I play DayZ on my friends computer who has also DayZ. After the last patch I logged into my steam account and some weird things happened. I logged into my Steam Account Started DayZ (I was sure my character was reset because of the patch) I started with a new character as I was thinking I changed Server I suddenly was equiped again, and spawning near Vybor where I logged out like a week ago (very different gear and spawn point as the point where I logged out right before the new patch) + I had a different name. Now the rly strange thing is, also my ingame name changed to a name neither I, nor my friend used on the DayZ Standalone. It was the Name my friend used in the ARMA 2 Mod DayZ some time ago (dafaq?). Also my video and controll settings were set back to dafault. No problem, I just kept playing. My friend logged into his Steam Account and started DayZ. He also spawned near Vybor (where we logged out maybe a week ago together, but at that time we were ofc playing on different computers). The same things that happened to me were now happening to him (different name -> this time my Standalone name and my control settings, but reset video settings .....) Np, he was sad about loosing his recent picked up gear, but at least he had something to start with. So he played. Now, I am sitting at front of his computer again and want to play the DayZ Standalone. I start DayZ. I see my char. YEY! .... but his Standalone Name ... I log onto a server -> Have his control & video settings! Np, I play but got lags on the server -> I change server New spawn somewhere at the coast ..... :(Sad times, but I guess that's what "Early Access" means ^^ Btw. I like the new things u added to the game with the new patch & I love the game ;) I just don't want to loose my char 24/7 xD cU anarx Edit: the format here in the forums seem bugged ... I use 1. 2. 3. ..... but it does not show it, it shows in "Edit" though ^^ Edit2: Just read this: Servers with connection issues to central hive ... So I guess, this is part of the problem, but it does not explain the strange config behavior Edit3: I now fully understand, that the "Character loss" is due to some servers not connecting to the hive properly. I changed the server, and have one of my older characters again. But still not my latest. ... I hope you can fix your problems, good luck, I am looking forward to it.