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Everything posted by Zenmai

  1. Zenmai


    always be aware of rabbits, they are dangerous
  2. Zenmai

    I cannot get away from it.

    For me the beauty of DayZ is that you get these strong emotions, when you take those away it's just a boring running and looting sim with a tiny bit of human interaction. I'm glad I still get excited when I get in a gunfight or see a group of ppl from a distance and I'll regret the day when I'll lose that feeling.
  3. Zenmai

    Dissapointed new player

    I didn't played the mod, but be4 i bought dayZ i knew there wern't a lot of zombies, loot didn't respawn and it's full of other bugs. i knew this because it's an alpha and there is so much information on the internet about DayZ SA. you also get reminded of it when you open the steam page, when you click on buy, when you click accept on payment and everytime you start the game. I don't know what the Dev's could have done more to warn you. up until now i never starved, dehydrated or had trouble finding any loot. zombies only killed me in my 1st life and the rest of the time i get KOS'd. I just have to work on my stealth skills and it's gonna take time.
  4. Zenmai


    I don't like to be KOS'd or to KOS myself, but i don't want it to be gone from the game. It ads to the excitement of the game. When no1 KOS'd anymore it would be a boring game as the zed's are easy to handle ATM. With KOS you have to be careful for everyone you encounter and can't just run in everywhere. there can't be heroes when there are no bandits.