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Everything posted by lobstris

  1. lobstris

    Far Cry 2 idea - YOU WILL HATE ME

    To the original poster, I don't hate you, I think it would be a good idea to put weapon degradation in the standalone. :)
  2. I once suggested the Arma engine for its open world streaming and scripting capabilities on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R./gsc-game forums - and got shouted down by people saying 'its a crap engine, it can't handle indoor scenes, the clipping, collision detection and AI are terrible etc. etc.' :) Back on topic I'd love to see some AI military squads or bandit factions roaming around, non-infected surviours in woods, wildlife to be wary of (Boiling Point anyone?), slow zombie hordes roaming the wild etc. etc.
  3. Slightly off topic, but in relation to the OP's images I'd love to see a version of a ARMAII/DayZ/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. hybrid. :)
  4. Finding an AS50 and NVGs at a crashed helo site, getting wounded on the escape. Killed a goat for the meat using the AS50, get re-aggroed and seriously wounded by zombies from the heli site that had just spawned in without me noticing. Run away and find a couple of cows - kill those for meat, again using the AS50 (mmmm - 16 steaks, 9 eaten in one sitting - beat that 'Man vs. Food!'). Moment I pack up the camp site, get ganked from behind by another player. Never even got to use the NVGs. Remind me to be a bit quieter the next time I'm within a click of Stary Sobor. Oh well, on to the next life...
  5. lobstris

    Making forests scary at night.

    I agree that it would be nice if the sounds could have a source (e.g. randomly spawned in 'events' near to the player) - but that's waaaaay out of scope of the mod for now. Have you played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Lots of nice ambient sounds in there (dog howls, weird noises etc.) Also note that you never spot the birds making calls in the base game? ;-)
  6. lobstris

    Zombie Movement

    When they get within melee range, the Z's seem to have a brief transition period back to shambling, before attacking - headshot time... :-)
  7. Personally, I like the zombie/infected aggro behaviour in, though they still give up the chase a bit to easily. Given the limited number of zombies, I don't think the classic Romero 'shambing' zombie, that overwealm by weight of numbers would work to well at present - though in a future version, who knows...
  8. lobstris

    Making forests scary at night.

    Just more ambient sounds would be nice - low moans on the wind, occasional distant human screams etc. (though I'd also go for a low zombie spawn rate all over the map).
  9. lobstris

    Stuck on Loading

    I was getting this 'loading' problem all evening - then tried a server also requiring beta 98325 (rather than earlier version) and all worked fine.
  10. YES. Also subtle texture changes if possible - rather than 'full on' bandit skins.
  11. Exactly what the last guy said - NO. Until melee is implemented in some fashion - then YES.