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Posts posted by snipe

  1. So I have been away from DayZ for quite some time and since MrBlackout started his new HC series it got me back into DayZ, so first off I guess some of these may have been reported but since the reporting tool is offline right now I thought I would just see who else has these issues and what solutions they used to resolve or workaround.

    1.  I have a dual monitor setup and previously (.57 and .58 I think) I could alt+tab out and go back in after with no issues, but with current version if I alt+tab out or accidently click on 2nd screen it will goto windows but once I try and go back to game I get device error msg pop up and game crash, and one time it did this my friend said that my character fell over dead in game and sure enough I re-spawned. 

    2.  The new UI looks nice but I noticed that in the menus for server selection the main box is rendered correctly but the text is HUGE and does not line up with the headers. Also when I spawned in my character showed he was naked and I was unable to pick up new clothes at all.  Once reloading old UI it showed I had my clothes on and some small items I picked up (which I thought glitched out with the other UI) 

  2. Well so far the only issues I have with the new patch are, lost my drum mag and 30rnd mags for AKM again, apparently there are new ones to replace these for some reason?  Also on a server and had some tents setup in a camp and once server restarted they all went POOF along with the loot.  Zombies take hits like a boss now, took 8 shots from AKS to take 1 down.  So far I like the zombies but I have not had enough time to play yet so we will see.

  3. Oh first world problems, wow people going nuts over this patch.  Yep it broke some shit. How about waiting it out since its only been less then 1 day and see what they figure out.  Worst case we wait till Wed again to either get another update or they roll back. I had planed on playing last night but decided with all the crash reports and other issues I would hold off.  You know spend time with my family, catch up on The Walking Dead.  It will happen, they have 40 test machines probably all decked out with the same or similar hardware, we are 3 million + with all kinds of different setups, we are going to have problems, it is part of the development of the game that is in ALPHA, hell this game still runs better then some that are in retail.

  4. Well I did a quick test with it back on headset as default and it seemed to work fine (I didn't have much time to test), BUT I have not been able to give it a proper test yet to narrow down if this is the issue for sure.  I find it strange that this is the only thing that had changed and it was working fine.  A few things I am going to try is setting it to headset as default and then rebooting with that setting and see if it crashes, if so I will set to speakers and if it works fine then I know, but if is still crashes I will reboot with speakers as default (like how it was last night when it worked).  It might have been a coincidence but this is the only thing I can figure out.  Would love to hear from everyone on this.




    I played for about 2 hours tonight no issues at all.  I was using my USB headset so what ever it was that was giving me a hard time has gone away.  If it was something to do with the headset I have no idea what it was.

  5. I just noticed something interesting.  I have a Steel Series Siberia V2 USB headset and I have had it for a long time.  I have only just recently had this issue since .50 patch but I switched my audio from headset DEFAULT AUDIO back to my speakers, and ran the game and it has not crashed yet.  So anyone else having this issue do you have a USB headset?  I will report back if I crash at all.




    Game ran fine for over 1 hour.  I will try setting audio back to headset to see if it crashes again.

  6. Since new patch my game will crash to the desktop when just sitting in the main menu or server screen.  When it crashes the game is still running and if I was able to get into a server before the crash I am sill able to run around shoot ect (based on audio) yet I am looking at my desktop.  If I alt + tab to another program sound stops, I click on the game and it does same thing, just audio.  If I press alt+enter it goes to windowed mode and it is just frozen.  I have changed drivers to current, verified files, reset gpx card overclock to default, changed in-game gfx settings and nothing helps. 

  7. I have never had this issue until I updated to current stable build.  Game will CTD visually but actually still be in the game as I can run around and shoot ect.  It will also do the same thing if I leave it on the main screen or server change screen.  It takes about 1 min or so but then it crashes, the only way to close the game is to use task manager.  I have tried updating AMD drivers, disabled AVG, made gfx changes, updated battleeye (before I noticed it crashing in main menu).  This happend every single time I load the game.  After googling it I have come across many other people with this issue going back many months and no one really has a fix, 1 person specified that flushing the vram when it happens works but at the moment I am not able to try this.


    I have an open bug report as well http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=18684


    Intel i7 920 @ 3ghz

    12GB ram

    Asus 6970 DirectCUII 2GB

    Windows 7 64bit

  8. Hi Rocket, is there any update on why items aren't going into my inventory for about 5 minutes? and also, if i empty a clip that is on the ground does that lose the ammo or does it just take a while to spawn? thanks.


    This sounds like your not in sync with the server properly, I have had times where I pick stuff up but it take a while to do it.  Usually that is server related, if it is happening on all servers then something if off.

  9. The game is great, and I expect with every update it will get better.  I applaud Rocket for keeping us in the loop as much as he has, if this were EA, Activision, Ubisoft ect we would see 1 post and then the forums would run rampant with asshats.  I do not expect the game to be perfect now or any time soon, and yes it is frustrating to have stuff lost or reset but its a game, you can get it all back.  This is my first time really playing DayZ as I never had the mod, and I really like it so far.  Keep up the great work and thanks for keeping us informed while the bugs get worked out.
