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About athst

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    On the Coast
  1. I was just playing a game where I seemed to take random damage out of nowhere. I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out if it was a bug or if there is some feature of the game I'm not aware of that could have caused it. Here's what happened - I'll give detail but I'm not sure how much of it is actually relevant to the problem. - I was looting one of the military buildings with the jail cell in it - I was on the ledge on the second floor opposite where the stairs come up that usually spawns a bunch of small items - I found a can opener on the floor, and dragged it to replace a ruined can opener that was in my pants - When I dragged the can opener, all of the sudden I got a screen flash of gray with blood on the sides as if I had been shot, and my character made a sound like he was injured. - After the screen flashed, I noticed that my pants were now ruined, and some of the items inside were also ruined or damaged, as if I had been shot. - I didn't hear any gun shots. - I don't think there were any glitchers in the building because after I took the damage I didn't get injured anymore. - Even though I got the damage screen flash and my pants were ruined, my character's status still was all green and said "healthy," which I don't think would have been the case had I been shot. Anyone have any ideas? Another detail that may or may not be related is that when I spawned in on the server I noticed my pants were ruined, even though they were worn when I logged off. Is there something in the game that causes you to take random damage in the pants? I noticed this issue filed on the tracker, but I don't know if it's the same thing that happened to me: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=9199
  2. I don't agree with this. DayZ takes place in a zombie apocalypse, yes, but the game is not about zombies. It's really about the interaction with other players in an open world. Zombies are there and you have to deal with them, but it's not the primary objective. I think for most people the most fun in DayZ is the other players - being a bandit, being a hero, meeting other people, etc. Making the game too PvE would make it less fun.
  3. I don't think they should build a currency system into the game, but I could see a currency system emerging from the player economy. For example, I remember in Diablo 2 SoJs were the base currency. To me, the problem with this in DayZ is the actual transaction - how do you know you can trust the person? Since it is very hard to make trades in person because of the risk, there isn't that much trading going on, which goes against the idea of a standardized currency that you can use easily. Also, because DayZ is distributed across many servers, I don't think that design is very good for establishing a currency system. Whatever the currency is, you'd just have people going to servers where it's easier to farm it.
  4. I've been doing this a little bit, and like other people have said, I've realized that it's not really worth it to do this. You can't sprint when you need to, so it's a risk, and also it's really tedious to drop the weapon to kill zombies with your axe. Also, carrying many weapons is also inefficient in that you will have to carry all the types of ammo in your inventory, which takes up so much space.
  5. athst

    Optional Visor up/ down toggle for ZSh3 Pilot Helmet

    I agree this would be really nice - when I have seen people try on the helmet, the first thing they try to do is see if the visor goes down.
  6. I think if you wear a mask that covers the face, it just naturally appears more hostile. Even though the character models don't make facial expressions, I think seeing someone with a mask you're just more likely to question their intentions, just as if you saw someone in real life wearing something over their face. Also, keeping your gun down and not moving around like you're looking for someone to shoot also helps.
  7. athst

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    What will we call it when it turns into the biggest bloodbath in DayZ SA history?
  8. When showing items nearby, I think it would be really nice if it showed the grid of slots that the item would take up in inventory. I am new to DayZ, and one of the troubles I have had is determining what will fit inside my bag when going around collecting items. Sometimes it isn't really clear by how the item looks. Since it is a grid-based inventory system, I think it would be great if you could see the grid slots needed, similar to how it is in Diablo games.