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About TheJackal_112

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  1. TheJackal_112

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Hey guys - great work on the mod - love the survival focus - also I just realised that the sound the journal makes when you change pages - sounds exactly like the same journal sound in the awesome indie game: Miasmata - am I right?
  2. TheJackal_112

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I don't know about you guys but this latest update is fricken tough - you get infected so easily - the game is so much more of a challenge now
  3. TheJackal_112

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I am all for removing it - It works great in one of the mods I am playing of DayZ - alot more challenging - and alot hard to axe anything
  4. TheJackal_112

    making fire - realism

    Good suggestion by the way - with the limited about of matches per box - I like the idea that every box doesnt have 50 matches but more like 20 or something - so each time you light a fire its a big deal since your wondering is it worth using my last few matches for this
  5. TheJackal_112

    Third person vs First person view

    Just adding in my 2 cents - in agreement with the original post - realism is a key part of DayZ and third-person breaks that feeling
  6. Just to add more fire to the flame- third-person in my mind destroys the immersion and realism that DayZ is all about - relying on your own two eyes to spot people in First person is alot harder than laying prone behind a tree and swivelling the mouse around
  7. Yes - hordes of zombies for sure
  8. TheJackal_112

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    Keen - great ideas
  9. TheJackal_112

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    Awesome post by the way - I would agree with others who have posted saying that allowing night vision but having a battery life system is the ideal way forward
  10. Awesome ideas here - an impressive post - I like the inventory system - I was wondering if Dean Hall is thinking of developing a more realistic inventory system with a minimalist HUD, one that doesn't say how many bullets you have exactly or the exact weights of items and backpacks, and maybe he will go with a more trail-and-error system where you figure out for yourself the capacity of a bag Also the pen and paper idea is great, nice work, and the health system is well thought out
  11. TheJackal_112

    Hazards & Obstacles

    I like the concept of a Hazmat suit to get to some areas like run down chemical plants, as well as some way of locking doors
  12. I am all for it - I think Dean Hall already mentioned how he wanted to make the game harder to survive in - for example people getting colder alot easier than at present Keen on the concept of more zombies and in packs as well. Injuries being more problematic is a sound move aswell as opposed to the magic fix that you can get at the moment for broken bones and so forth
  13. TheJackal_112

    World Building: DayZ Radio

    Awesome idea mate - I am all for it - and maybe even the possibility of player created radio stations
  14. TheJackal_112

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Great idea - iam all for it - traps are a definite yes, and the idea of empty bottles/tincans/glass placed at chokepoints
  15. TheJackal_112

    Humanity System - Rocket, have a minute?

    Hope I am not repeating what others have said I like the concept of armbands but I think that you should have the choice of 'equipping' your armband when and if you like - Rocket has said he doesnt like mechanics that control people's choices So if you have a low/high humanity you can then choose to create an armband that shows off your humanity When I think about it logically only survivors would do this since a bandit could loose his prey if they spotted the armband