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Awkward Gamer

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Everything posted by Awkward Gamer

  1. Cans of food, and a can opener to open them. Disregarding those, the fire axe for the super op against zeds mode.
  2. Awkward Gamer

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    I don't find it too difficult to kill zeds with most melee weapons. First person aim at the head and circle them, works with everything but the shovel, for some reason I can't kill anything with the damn shovel. -_-
  3. Awkward Gamer

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    Only one kill so far in 120 hours in SA. Was at the Air Tower at NEAF where I logged out in a hurry about 20 mins before because my wife was yelling at me. Logged in, guns made noise, guy came upstairs and shot me with a shotgun. I survived it and put a magnum round through his skull while he was just standing there while reloading. I felt pretty bad about it as well because I am the hero type.
  4. Awkward Gamer

    Well this new patch sucks, can't find anything

    If you unload a full dual mag it stacks the rounds into piles of 60, it uses half the space for the same number of rounds. Also, use an ammo box or something, you have way too much ammo in your inventory there wasting space.
  5. Awkward Gamer

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    I voted no, because right Now there is still too much loot. It's not hard at all to find weapons atm if you go to the right places. And there is so much food it's ridiculous.
  6. Awkward Gamer

    Character keeps resetting, even on the same server.

    Nope, it happens to me all the time. But this evening, I logged in to find my character that died a week ago on a ladder bug. I was so happy, I had my fully kitted guy back. (4 storage boxes) There is hope that your epicly geared guy may return, or not.
  7. I and could have sworn that the M4 was supposed to be more rare now. But I've already seen 3 in the last hour in various different places. One was on green Mountain, the second in the barracks at the military base, and the third in another barracks at the same military base. (Not the airfield) (no hoppping either)
  8. Awkward Gamer

    I thought they are more rare now?

    I see what you did there -_-