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Everything posted by nicky1088

  1. EDIT: AGAIN MY STEAM AND EMAIL GOT HACKED, I DIDNT CHEAT Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? My steam recently got hacked, and the hacker got me globally banned on arma 2 and 3...... i paid $30 to have my ban converted over to this new game i got, are you kidding me? and i know its converted because its the same ban ID as arma 3's global ban ID..... Im so pissed off that i spent $30 of my own money to not be able to play the game i bought, this is rediculous. P.S. to the creators: If you want to be a real game, dont copy all the bans from another game to your game, it shows that you guys just want to get the game released and make money
  2. Since most of you cant read, my steam got hacked, and i got a global ban on !!!!ARMA 3!!!!
  3. If theres a way to check Battleye global ban's games, here is my Ban id: #211BFE Its for arma 3
  4. I didnt cheat, why would you spend all this money to get a global ban?