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About nicky1088

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    On the Coast
  1. Since most of you cant read, my steam got hacked, and i got a global ban on !!!!ARMA 3!!!!
  2. If theres a way to check Battleye global ban's games, here is my Ban id: #211BFE Its for arma 3
  3. I didnt cheat, why would you spend all this money to get a global ban?
  4. EDIT: AGAIN MY STEAM AND EMAIL GOT HACKED, I DIDNT CHEAT Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? My steam recently got hacked, and the hacker got me globally banned on arma 2 and 3...... i paid $30 to have my ban converted over to this new game i got, are you kidding me? and i know its converted because its the same ban ID as arma 3's global ban ID..... Im so pissed off that i spent $30 of my own money to not be able to play the game i bought, this is rediculous. P.S. to the creators: If you want to be a real game, dont copy all the bans from another game to your game, it shows that you guys just want to get the game released and make money