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Everything posted by Kaneydien

  1. As the title reads, I am wondering if you can have 2 accounts in Arma 2 at the same time. I want to play 2 separate characters, one with my friends and one on my own. Can this be done?
  2. Kaneydien

    How do tents work?

    Just curious how they work. If I put one down on a server, I log off and come back the next day to that server is that tent still there with all my items? Can anyone loot my tent? How many items can you store in a tent? I heard they have issues with disappearing, how common is this? Thanks for the info!
  3. This is getting frustrating. My posts are not showing up in the troubleshooting or bug reports forums. (It says they are being "moderated", for whatever reason they are not being posted by the moderators, I have a serious problem here) I am logging into a 2-5 incapacitation everytime I log in, for no reason what so ever. I see this is happening to others, any fix for this yet?
  4. I still have over 8k blood, I was not bleeding, I had taken some painkillers. I shoot at a lone zombie, I hit but dont kill it, it runs up to me, hits me once and I fall over with an hourglass that seems to take forever while he eats me and kills me. Seems a little unforgiving. Why did I keel over, and why was the timer so long? I'm not complaining, I just want to understand so I can avoid it next time.
  5. Kaneydien

    Items Falling Out of Main Inventory

    Same problem, however I found an Alice Backpack and since then it seems to have stopped happening.
  6. I was not able to play on a stable server last night, and I am curious about melee weapons. Are they quiet? If I kill a zombie with an axe or whatever, will I aggro every other zombie nearby?
  7. Kaneydien

    Do guns misfire?

    I am trying to figure out why at times my gun randomly fires off a round (usually at the worst possible time which gets me killed). It is not constant, just once and a while I will be pressing buttons on my keyboard only and it will fire off. At first I thought it could be my touch pad so I disabled that, but it still happens. Is this an in game feature, or do I need a new mouse?
  8. Ever since went live today, I keep getting stuck with a black screen with "loading" on it. A couple of times I got kicked out before that point and something regarding BattleEye flashed before I was disconnected. Does BattleEye update automatically?
  9. I was playing earlier when the server went down to update to patch Now when I try to get into any server it gets stuck at a black screen with the word "Loading" in the center. Anyone else getting this? Any ideas how to fix?
  10. As the title reads, I can not lower my weapon. I have tried changing the key bind to something simple, but it still does not work. I have dropped the weapon and picked it back up. It seems to be this way on any server I play on. Any help would be great. Thanks!
  11. Kaneydien

    Cant lower my weapon, help!

    Oh, so there is no way to put away your pistol???
  12. Kaneydien

    Zombie Lag

    I just started playing this game. I was wondering, is it normal to have about a 1 second delay between the time I shoot a zombie, and the time it falls down? I find myself shooting a zombie and waiting to see if it fall down before firing another round. Is this common?
  13. When I first started playing I could access the side channel by pressing the . and , keys, but for some reason now all I can access are the Direct, Vehicle and Group channels. I see people talking in the side channel, but I cannot talk back to them.
  14. Kaneydien

    Problems with controls?

    This is an unusual problem, but here goes. For some reason I cant get my character to look down the sight of my pistol when I RMB to zoom in. Sometimes it does, but most of the time it does not, and it is very hard to kill anything. Most of the time I just press RMB and it zooms in but does not show my gun or any indication of where I am aiming at. Any suggestions?
  15. I have a question, my friend and I are thinking of buying Arma 2 just to play this mod. We are wondering that if we want to play together, when you spawn in is there a way we can spawn in to the same area? Is there a fast travel system of sorts? How does the spawn system work in general? Thanks in advance for the info!