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Everything posted by jerrymck89

  1. jerrymck89

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Listen up. This is not an exaggeration. Before you decide to remind me that this is Alpha please be also reminded that hence the fact this is Alpha then discussion, complaining, and reporting are all completely necessary so take a good deep breath before you decide to make yourself look like 10 year old. Anyways. I have logged around 400 hours on DayZ. It's a great game. Extremely addicting and I am very appreciative of the work and sweat the dev's are drilling into this game. Now on that note, I have been playing this game since it came out. Hacking went from zero to 60% literally. It is becoming far more common and no offense but releasing a new can of spray paint or a new gun in the next patch isn't going to help this issue. It's getting to the point where people are resorting to hacking, just to stay alive, or hunt other hackers. I have been killed by them 4 times this week. Different days, different servers, different locations on the map. Monday was a character who had aimbot. He shot me with a .22 sporter rifle from about 200 meters in the head several times and when I dropped I could still here the bullets hitting me. It was about 3 bullets a second. Wednesday I spawned over by NEAF in a bush with my pal. We heard sks and mosin shots. We then realized they were getting closer and the bullets were wizzing passed our heads. We immediately began running and ran for about 30 seconds before we both were shot dead point blank. When you die you can press escape and can still see your dead body as the other player loots it so that is what i did. 2 of them were looting my body and when they left, they teleported. going about 15 feet per jump. Just now (I didn't this time, i'll explain later) I ran to one of the jails at the balota air field and there were 3 count them THREE hackers in one of the jails just sitting there waiting in the floor/wall. I peaked in the wall and they greeted me and told me I was free to go because they only wanted to kill hackers. Now dev's....You have a problem that needs to be fixed. Please we can wait on cosmetics and new items for another month, just focus on hacking or before your game is even released you will have less players than hackers becaus all the honest players will have left. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and battle eye isn't sufficient obviously
  2. literally every server i've joined...