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Posts posted by SxeDave

  1. You can make it as rare as you want, people like me will always have an M4 or any kind of automatic rifle in our hands. Its not the quantity im just good at the game and put 1 hour of play a day while taking some days off. But that is the developers plans for the future -to scale back the military weaponry. However there is a certain crowd that will have it no matter what and im in that crowd. What I think they do need to do to ensure that people dont have a pleasant experience at military bases is drastically increase zombie count to the point where it isnt fun to loot them. The fun factor of looting military bases is the problem especially on low population servers. 

  2. The SKS is seen as a middle ground between the mosin and the M4. So if you want to spray and pray alot get the M4, if you want quick but aimed shots with a decent amount of damage behind them then keep the SKS.

    Yea when im in a firefight I would definitely like to do that because thats what most of the community uses so I need to ability just to stay even. I did find an M4 and swapped it out but I do want to at least shoot the sks so ill probably find another one and use the 14 rds I have for it on some zombies.

  3. So I just died in a firefight in the middle of the night and the guy had a light on his rifle so I didnt have much of a chance anyway, however everytime I join a server and try to respawn as a fresh spawn it displays the "you are dead message" continuously. Any idea on how to make it go away?

  4. So I just died in a firefight in the middle of the night and the guy had a light on his rifle so I didnt have much of a chance anyway, however everytime I join a server and try to respawn as a fresh spawn it displays the "you are dead message" continuously. Any idea on how to make it go away.

  5. You sound so excited, was this guy your first kill?

    No not by a long shot. Today alone I killed two other people in the NWAF firestation because I spend so much of my time in cherno and the NWAF but I usually never initiate the gun fight, but if the guy is dressed like me with a gas mask, green tactical gear and an M4 he will be KOS because when you dress like your unfriendly you probably are.

  6. About 20 minutes ago I killed a guy in probably the douchiest way possible. I was getting shot at by someone but they hit me in the foot so I ran into the jail next to the hangers and started stuffing myself to heal, I had the door shut to make it look like no one was there and was just leaning enough around the corner for like 30 minutes waiting for my brother and his friend to get to me who were navigating with no compasses. So I hear footsteps and think it was the guy shooting at me, he opens the door like 4 seconds later, in the 2 seconds I observed him before I lit him up with m4 fire I knew he wasnt the bandit and killed him anyway. He was unarmed and ran through the door with his hands clean and I could have handcuffed him and took blood. I purposelessly was going to do that and then give the person the m4 upstairs which I had already taken all the mags and ammo to. He had an orange back pack, FX45, Magnum, green motorcycle helmet I think and a red shirt. Anywayz if youre that guy im sorry I know you probably want to quit this game because if I died that way with 5 people on the server I would. I know its a video game and people are probably like why even post that, but I just would feel better if you all shunned me so have at it hoss. 

  7. Were you the guy I just gunned down in the firestation in the NW airfield? If thats the case its because I watched you try to gun down my brother earlier who was unarmed and barley got out alive, I tried to engage you from the fire tower earlier but fell through the wall and died. If you are him and you know who you are then karma is a b*ch.

  8. Well if you want to know the truth I always kill UK players and only UK players for the exact reasons you stated about Americans. The first day I got the game I ran into a guy from the UK as a fresh spawn on the coast and I said hello im friendly ive never played DayZ before and he calls me a c$%* sucker and rushes me with a fire ax and kills me. The next time I was in electro a few days later and had found my first pistol but it had no ammo and I ran into another guy from the UK who told me he was friendly and to come into the room and as soon as I turned the corner BOOM! Popped one in my noggin, I said thats enough so now I always KOS uk players only even if they dont shoot me and I obviously kill any other person that trys to shoot me to. 

  9. I am new here, ive never played the mod but decided to get Dayz standalone and be part of the community while the game is being built. What do you guys think of the plans to take this game to the more survival end of the spectrum as opposed to the death match end of it? "Hunting and camping will both be making their DayZ Standalone debut this year as well, assuming everything goes according to Bohemia Interactive's plan, and the team is also looking to introduce more rudimentary weapons like throwing knives and hunting bows too. Once these sorts of weapons have been added to the game, Hall says Bohemia Interactive will also begin to scale back the number of military-class weapons that spawn in Chernarus.

    Base building and an improved stamina system are also on the horizon for DayZ Standalone, though Hall warned that both will be gradual releases instead of single update deliveries. A number of factors will influence a player's stamina, including hunger, thirst and illness, and the DayZ creator says the team at Bohemia Interactive is looking at ways to incorporate a weight system into the game as well. As for base building, Hall said he and the team want players to be able to leave their own mark on Chernarus; however, adding those systems will be a slow-going process that will begin with the introduction of barricades." Personally I would like to see a lot less M4's and AK's and other military grade items and a lot more double barrel shotguns and maybe a little .22 short revolver and if you want the military items there should be a common spawn for them at the NW airfield but make it hell on earth with so many zombies you'll be lucky to just make it out alive. Opinions? 
