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Posts posted by SxeDave

  1. Yea dont trust random people just try and avoid them as much as possible. I once met a guy and we became friends for a few hours traveling all down the coast then inland toward the NW airfield we got into firefights together and saved each others butt's then he says that his friend is logging in at the airfield but he has no gear so we have to gear him up so his friend logs in but the airfield was pretty much looted out so then when I was inside a military tent he says "Sorry man" and axes me in the face then proceeds to give my gear to his friend. 

  2. Aren't people always bitching about how gritty and realistic this game is supposed to be and how its not like CoD or BF or w/e other shooter they feel like mentioning?


    In our lovely real world (which people want this to mimic at the expense of all else) you do not only feel the impact of every third round from an automatic weapon. You feel (assuming adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet and you still feel things) the impact of each bullet, each of which is just as likely to kill you as the last.




    TL;DR Guns aren't balanced in the real world, stop trying to balance guns in something want to be "realistic"


    I never said I wanted DayZ to be super realistic although I know many many people cry about it not being real enough. A video game will never be realistic because its a game and nothing but. I could go off on such a tangent on why this game and other survival games are not realistic that I could write a hundred pages. If this game were to be as real as it possibly can be absolutely nobody would play it because a real life survival situation isnt a fun simulation. Long story short- Its a game.  

  3. Dude, I tried saying this when Dayz SA first dropped and I saw how OP the M4 was compared to any single shot pistol or bolt action rifle. I was labeled as an idiot and put down by most of the duping sever hoping scrubs on here at the time but it seems many of those people are gone from here because the responses you got were much more positive then mine. So where are we a year and half later from when I raised this red flag? Full auto weapons are even more OP and seem to spawn more frequently or are just duped.  I find a lot of AK's and Heli crashes with western AR's but I play the game a lot more then most people but in my humble opinion it may be wise to make the full auto receiver a rare attachment for rifles not spawned by default attached to the rifle. I understand at this stage in the game you need to have a lot of guns in order to test and balance them, but I think the idea of splitting the full auto receiver from a semi-auto one is not a bad idea to do.


    In my honest opinion though machine guns have zero place in this game and making them spawn exclusively at military bases makes the problem worse they should make them spawn in a random barn somewhere instead to make them harder to find. The issue is not with the machine gun its how the games code handles bullet damage. The game is coded for single shot guns so every bullet reflects damage. They need to code in every 3rd bullet actually hitting the target with machine guns similar to how some FPS games do it. But ONLY for machine guns obviously because doing that with the SKS and pistols would make this game pretty broken. 

    • Like 1

  4. still crying about the m4 huh? whos the one that needs skill here?

    The only one thats crying is you butthurt boy. Get some looting skill and actually look for an M4. I shouldnt be finding m4's before I find my first can of beans. Ive been using an m4 again for my last two hours of gameplay and have killed four people because of the ability to just spray forever and the gun isnt even pristine, its got damaged everything and a ruined iron sight. 

  5. Depends on your playstyle. I wouldn't trade my SKS+scope for any tricked-out M4.


    Problem right now is IMO that 5.56 ammo is far too easy to obtain and with everybody and their grandma running around with 60 round mags the advantage of more powerful rounds like the 7.62x39mm isn't that clear.

    Yea and dont even dare hint and making 60 rd mags rarer or all the crutch kids will crawl out of their holes and defend the M4 while saying they like the mosin. And then come over here and recommend the m4 because of how much you can spray. Typical dayz players are typical. 

  6. I handle a variety of military weapons on a weekly basis at a minimum. The M4 is not a loud weapon, yes supersonic ammunition is louder than subsonic but by comparison it is still a very quiet weapon compared to others.


    You have a shotgun that takes 5.56mm?

    I have shot guns that take the same ammo. Ruger Mini 14's, AR15s.

  7. So you are terrible at the game and lazy at that and because you got killed by someone you want something to be nerfed. Your claims and assumptions are totally legit bro.

    I have played this game since release day and the mod since the summer of 2012. I never once called for a nerf because there were a lot of guns, now there are only a few old guns and 1 assault rifle. Since everyone flocks to that assault rifle I suggested temporarily nerfing it. Like I said about the BF3 M16 especially, the people that insisted on keeping that gun unerfed were the exact reason that BF4 is bad now and that BF3 didnt capitalize on CoD's downfall. I'm just warning you thats all.

  8. Clearly you didn't read my posts.  I have not once defended the M4 as you say, also I clearly stated I prefer the Mosin as well.


    Also, since you clearly think I play CoD (which i fully support as I own stock in activision), I have not played a CoD since the 3rd or 4th one.


    I did find it funny hilarious you tried to avoid all these flames by making a new thread with the same story (slightly edited) while your first thread was still continuously being bumped.


    Anyways thank you so much for making the end of my week at work that much more enjoyable.  And thank you again for sharing your tears.

    Glad I could help you laugh and forget your sad pathetic life. 

  9. Please stop.


    The m4 is not a loud gun, the M16 is less of a loud gun.


    You want a loud gun? Try a 30-06 stalking rifle with a 16.5" barrel.


    Where do you kids get this stuff?

    Ive never fired an M4 but have shot guns that take the same ammo as it and no they are not that loud compared to most guns. But they are too quiet in the game, they almost sound like an frigging bb gun going off.

  10. The mosin has a lot more power than the M4 and is far more accurate than the M4. The only advantage the M4 has is the amount of fire it can put down (inaccurately).


    If you had stayed calm, lined up your sights, and took your shot you likely would've killed the guy spraying at you without taking a hit. But no. Everyone who says anything different to you is defending their "crutch" weapon (even though there's an almost unanimous preference for the Mosin amongst those replying) and your death can't possibly be your fault

    Naa its my fault because I was surrounded and held out as long as I could. I really dont care that I died and have died many times before that from falling through walls, falling off ladders and breaking legs, getting snipped because I took a shortcut in the open so I dont care anymore. I like the mosin for its accuracy and have hit very impressive shots with it and excel using it, but there is no way in a semi-close range gun fight that the mosin even compares to the sheer suppression filled death you can give with the m4. Anyone that plays semi-smart with an m4 can beat out a mosin most of the time. I know because I have. 


    edit: LOLZ!!





    You made another thread????  BUT WHYYY.. your first one was so hilarious and still is.


    For everyone not in the know let me fill you in..




    The only thing funny was listening to the predictable BK's that came from call of duty using the ACR or MP7 or from BF3 using the M16 or M416 defend their crutch gun. 

  12. So I decided to hint that the M4 was OP because there are no other spray and pray weapons yet so I suggested that until its more like the mod that 30 rd mags spawn less, I admitted to logging into the airfield because thats where my group and I logged out 3 days ago so I admitted that my action could constitute as a server hop. The replies I got were exactly as I expected from nerds who think video games are real life or anything close to it. "You admitted to server hopping and got kilttt so haw haw" Like you havent server hopped ever...white knight prick "The m4 is just a better weapon in real life." "My 6 shooter can take on an m4 any day because the m4 is so under powered." So right after reading the first couple replies I left and started playing Dayz.


    I ran into a group of two in Berezino and they were actually nice and gave me a blaze 95 in exchange for sks ammo and then went on their way needless to say I was surprised they didnt kill me I almost couldnt believe. I ended up running by foot up to the NWAF by myself and make it their, of course within 5 minutes of me being their the "scarce m4" as they tried to call it is in one of the hospitals/jails with a 40 rd mag (I get another one in the Barracks) so then later I climb to the roof of the fire station and spot two people (I thought was one at the time) in the radio tower entrance who are camping in it and I also spot someone running away from the hangers but they end up running away and I dont bother them. I immediately get into a crouch/leaning position on the roof and start unloading and killed the one guy who never saw it coming.


    His friend ended up exchanging gun fire with me WITH GUESS WHAT? An m4 because its so bad right? After all was quiet for awhile I left for the other military base to the north. So my question is besides on the coast, when you get into survivor country up north, why does everyone choose to use the m4 ? Because its under powered? Yea right. All I said was that we needed to make 30rd mags temporarily rare or increase the recoil until more assault rifles were added. But yet you insist on defending your crutch gun. The arrogance and d-riding on this subject and others is astounding. 

  13. My opinion is that if the guy fired over 600 rounds (10x30 = 300 + 5x60 = 600) at you and you couldn't kill him, the problem is your own. 

    Yea I should have run away because of where he was but couldnt because of the other people shooting at me, we were surrounded by a group so it was engage or die trying. 

  14. So you want to make it worse than it is in real life? You want someone with a fifty year old rifle to be on equal grounds with someone who is using military-grade weaponry?



    Yea I do because if everyone is able to get an M4 which is easy as heck to get at this stage then it should be balanced with the other guns until more assault rifles are added like in the mod.

  15. Yea I was server hopping or at least had the intent to; yea it was one of the only times ive ever done it because I wanted to get one of the people I was playing with geared up quickly; dont act like you never do it because I bet 8/10 of you do it or have done it. So it starts out with my brother, myself, and my friend. We all get to the NWAF and log out and not play for a few days. We get back on tonight on a daytime server with 7 people (who all turn out to be at the NWAF). My friend is in the barracks looting while we keep watch and all of the sudden CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK x40 and not one shot hit on me or my brother who were using SKS's and I had an extra mosin in my hands. 


    So we quickly locate and engage the guy and I hit an impressive shot on him with the unscoped mosin and he goes down. Little did I know that the guy I killed also had a mosin and not an M4 which his friend that I did not see had. When I thought we were all done CRACK x20 and I absorb a hit to the foot, I run around to the end of the barracks and bandage myself all the time the gun fire is going on mainly from the bandit shooting at us. Meanwhile my friend's bullet riddled body is dead inside the last room in the barracks so he's done. I say to my brother "try to save him and ill hold the guy off, my brother trying to save my friend with anything like morphine, defibs, blood transfusions etc. is hit with another mosin sniper round and dies. I eventually meat my fate from the M4 guy who emptied at least 10 30rd mags and 5 60rd mags on me before I was dead.  


    So all in all it was an awesome moment of dayz fun, but im tired of the no skill M4 kiddo's. There needs to be more of an incentive to not use the m4, first off 30rd mags spawn way way way too often. They should almost be non existent at this stage in the game when there isnt a lot of guns. Second off they should all spawn in damaged condition and you need to clean them to make them pristine again. The next thing is the recoil needs to be greatly increased even when feathering the trigger. The final thing is that the gun needs to be much louder as to create a greater risk of using it on populated servers. Your opinions?

  16. True, not everyone in DayZ is a dickhead. The people who say otherwise are just butthurt because they've been screwed over a lot because they're too trusting, sloppy, and gullible. :D


    Even someone like myself who is a self-proclaimed bandit does some nice stuff for people on occasion, especially people I have a feeling are new to the game.


    Btw, unless you chop that up into some paragraphs, people are gonna roll in here with "holy wall of text batman"s and "TL;DR" lol

    Broke up in paragraphs.

  17. I have somewhat of a good story about a nice interaction I had with a dayz player in berezino shortly after a not so good one. So I spawned in berezino after getting axed to death in my previous life as a new spawn by a bandit because he said he needed my food and yet I gave him beans and tuna and he still chased me around and all I had was a baseball bat so going against a fireaxe didnt work, but before I bleed to death I ran by a building with a guy and I screamed on the voice chat "HELP IM BEING CHASED BY A MANIAC!!" and I hear all these footsteps start moving in the buildings around me so a lot of people on the full server must have been there and they all heard me and as I got farther away him and the bandit that was chasing me met, I heard a single gun shot from a magnum--the bandit was dead.


    I respawn in berezino and start looting, I rack up a lot of food an SKS rifle with ammo and some nice looking clothing as I was dressed as an all blue cowboy. I try to climb to the roof of the building and there is a glitch with the ladder so I fell and broke my leg so I left all my stuff and suicided and lone behold spawn 300 m. away from my dead body--I get back to the building and get my stuff and decide to get on the roof again and this time double tapping the sprint key worked to get me around the glitch. After awhile of looking for the bandit that killed me I look over on the apartment building roof next to me and there is a guy dressed in an orange puffer jacket and a yellow hardhat. I notice he is armed with a shotgun so I lie and tell him I have no ammo for my sks and wave to him, likewise he does the same thing. We talk for a bit and I tell him why im afraid to come off the roof (the ladder glitch) lone behold he tries to use the ladder and breaks his own leg like myself.


    I say "hold on im coming over" I get over and his leg is definitely broken so I tell him to stay put and that im going to go find a stick to make a splint. I had forgotten I had a morphine injector in my backpack so I return after looting the grocery store after no luck and use the morphine on him and just like that he is walking again. After traveling together for awhile I tell him about the houses with the piano's and how they spawn the ammo that he needs and we part. I would like to hope he wouldnt have shot me if he had ammo but I cant be so sure but It was still a nice interaction that I think dayz should be about and should have more of. Players helping players. I usually always KOS when at the military bases up north but on the shore I feel the people are nicer because possessions are more scarce.  

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  18. Ran into a house in some town off of green mountain and slipped on an ice cube and broke my leg. Dropped all my gear in a barn, suicided, ran back and picked it up. If you fall 2m you will break your leg, I think its a bug. BTW there is a serious memory leak which is why your fps is so bad and your cpu usage is at 80-90%. 
