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Everything posted by b0lt3r

  1. I'm missing something, what's wrong with the Real Virtuosity 4 (RV4) game engine? The Mod ran on RV3 well enough. They have all that content from RV3, why can't they write a script to convert the mods RV3 code to RV4 and at least have all the mods features available. Then leave it to server admins to figure out what they run, and players where they join? Rocket or not, you'd think they'd be able to do that much. I thought that they started SA to surpass the Mod, I can't understand why the Mod's features are still missing at this point.
  2. Beans to you and I agree. There is no way that you can tell your boss that you're leaving at the end of the year and still have your job in December. They will replace you as soon as humanly possible for being uncommitted, period. As far as I'm concerned, at this rate, the SA will never have half of the features that the many mods already offer. Alpha for 10 weeks, and the only thing in SA today that wasn't there when it came out are an SKS, the B95 and a bunch of flavorful but pretty useless items. This blows my mind as the only difference between DayZ mod and DayZ SA is the engine (ArmA II -> ArmA III.) Anyone knows of any missing content in ArmA III from ArmA II that could not be implemented because of engine issues? So, why could ArmA III go from alpha to release in 26 weeks, and SA is still roughly in day-one state after 10 weeks?
  3. Yikes, I can't believe that I just read 30 pages of this post! Anyways, I think that there's something very wrong at BI with regards to DayZ SA and Dean wants out. I do not believe his "I miss home" statement, because he CAN go home and continue development remotely with a cell phone and a laptop...from Everest if he wants. He said it himself: "I don't speack Czech," so obviously he's not interfacing directly with the local programmers, just offering direction. He is not helping BI along either by giving notice 10 months in advance. Now all potential players will know that the driving force behind the concept is over it for some reason. I believe that's because of the snail-pace of SA development. the Arma III engine was compatible enough with Arma II to go from Alpha in 3/13, to Beta in 6/13, to launch in 9/13. That's just 6 months from alpha to release! Dayz SA has been out for 10 weeks and light still shines through walls, zombies clip through them, and it STILL rains indoors! At this rate, we'll never see even a portion of the Mod's current features make it into the SA, and Dean knows it, so he's getting out while the getting is good. I whish him well with his new studio and projects, and I wish I had bought the mod instead.
  4. b0lt3r

    SKS vs Mosin

    Unless you're a dedicated sniper, I'd go with the SKS. It has twice the amo capacity, reloads quicker, takes a PU scope, and it is a one shot kill out to two blocks. The only thing I don't like about it is that you cant spray paint it like the Mosin Xb
  5. Heya folks, just my 2c on the latest patch. - Server time is off I'm from the US West coast and join servers advertised as "US" west if at all possible. Nevertheless, the time of the day in game seems to be the time in Europe. After the patch it was night from when I logged during day time. The sun finally came up at 23:30 US West. That means that server times are set to GMT +0 or British time, not local time. Normally this is not an issue because of 24/7 servers, but there were only a few up and all were full. Alternativelly, fix the flashlights so they don't shine through walls and bring every bandit down on you. Gamma's fine for seeing where you're going, but it is not enough to spot loot at dark locations. - Zombies attacking you before fully logged-in Server is not checking for zombie proximity before spawning. There is a period of vulnerability when you first spawn in, as your character is in the map, but you can't see or control it yet. Please spawn characters far enough from the closest zombie so at least you get vision and control before youre half-eaten. - Little Food or Drink loot I totally agree with the loot reductions on large packs, amunition and weapons, as it makes the game much more intense. However, there should be enough food available at spawn areas for a survivor to not die of hunger or thirst before making it anywhere. Please add more food, or increase the time it takes to die from hunger/thirst. - Too many hats and tools What is it with all the hats and tools? Characters are starving left and right, but one keeps finding hats and useless tools. The only tools that are needed right now are those that you can open a can or kill a zombie, and sadly those are the tools you rarely see. I have literally died of hunger for lack of something to open a can with Fun game, keep it coming, please!