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Everything posted by JustYouForget

  1. JustYouForget

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

    Tonz of coding involved to do this properly but I like the concept buddy. Keep thinking! Great ideas coming out lately!
  2. JustYouForget

    Loot-able Objects like the Fridge

    Agreed!!! Good idea buddy. any local foods/ lost keys should be in fridge.. thatd be awesome.
  3. JustYouForget

    Reduce fall damage

    Fall damage is CRAZY. I agree 100% reduced by 50% fall damage would be awesome.
  4. JustYouForget

    Stop the hackers!

    Yes I played the mod since the first week. i know all about it. Obviously its not an evolved Idea but I am being killed by hackers I noticed it a few times and Figured I would toss this idea out there. It would be Even nicer If you got a screen saying who killed you.
  5. JustYouForget


    Stats would be amazing. I feel like I have kill over 100 people but I honestly have no idea. Confirmed/Looted maybe 30-40
  6. JustYouForget


    Hilariousss +1
  7. JustYouForget

    Stop the hackers!

    So as of now every server admin/Owner agrees. they cannot help you because you cannot tell them the name of the person doing the wrong.
  8. JustYouForget

    no more alphas for me

    Alphas are alphas broseph. Join betas you will find them MUCH more fun.
  9. JustYouForget

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Hackers Exsist. without a doubt. I have played around 150 hours and found a few. Mostly on High pop servers. They can see at night ( Confirmed by a person running through walls laughing playing Skrillex) Other then auto aim/ Seeing at night/ Running through walls @ super speeds) I dont think they can do anything else. Although I have no reseached the subject I only conversed with a few of them.
  10. JustYouForget

    Night vision needs to be implemented ASAP

    This is why msot of us dont play on night servers. Who wants a flash light that goes through the wall? lol
  11. JustYouForget

    How to end kill on sight?

    I dont mind pwning people by the masses lol. Just saying it would make me think twice about doing so lol
  12. JustYouForget

    Hitman WANTED

    I added him joined his server and informed him i was here to kill him. Taunted and killed him and his friend.. He was fully loaded lol Thanks for the heads up. The body is in electro by the western fire station on the AOD server. Cheers
  13. JustYouForget

    Please eliminate server restarts

    Server hoppers hang out and Time all the server restarts.. Its insane that we keep playing like this.
  14. JustYouForget

    Please eliminate server restarts

    Op I agree 100% Loot and spawns of zeds should not be reliant on server starts.. lol It seems so DOS.. Were in 2014 we need items and zeds to respawn on thier own. 1 restart a month would be Ideal.
  15. JustYouForget

    Mosin 9130 only 1 bullet "magazine" ?

    Glitchy game right now. Spray painting causes guns to only be able to load 1 bullet. Im sure it will be fixed next patch.
  16. JustYouForget

    My video.

    So we found 2 Bandits NICE! We held em up, Cuffed them and fed them bleach. Not bad you say? how about their blood!? Yea we drained that shhhhh and one died so we fed the other one Rotten food till he died. Enough KOS.. Try to be more original. Post some vids if you like my ideas :D P.S. Kill a a Bambi and we will find you. ClanAod.net Sign up and let em know JustYouForget sent you :D we are always having fun.
  17. JustYouForget

    Mobile Releases?

    I say we need to release anything with gas slowly. First we need Bikes ( No gas needed ) Then Dirt bikes and Quads. Maybe limit the server to 3-4 or each. a few week/months later come out with small cars ( limiting the amounth of people able to ride. civic 5 people max.) But for any of these to even matter we need tents or some way to start setting up bases. Months later we should come out with Arial assault Items. aka Planes /Choppers( Civilian to start) A slow release will keep people coming back for more every few weeks telling thier friends and the snowball effect starts. What do we think as the commuinity?
  18. JustYouForget

    My video.

    We had the sacks on thier head so I doubt they even knew where we took em. Following them around smacking them with bats lmao.. so fun.
  19. JustYouForget

    Trading for a LRS

    LRS changes the game. If trading was availible safley I would give you one as i have a couple. SO Jump on the AOD server and Fight us in the NW :P
  20. JustYouForget

    Mobile Releases?

    How is that possible.. Most people can barley run it on PC lol.. I see where your comming from though. Thanks for the reply :P
  21. JustYouForget

    My video.

    Im at work lol. I will post it soon.
  22. JustYouForget

    Mobile Releases?

    Agreed The game is Very boring without storage lol opps you died. GL
  23. JustYouForget

    Mobile Releases?

    I think the map is huge. and bicycles are a must asap. I think They should Slowly release Military Equipment and vehicles for the summer time. Right now we only have one unfinished map lol I vote get Tents and Bicycles asap!
  24. JustYouForget

    Drinking/eating methods?

    I like this Idea for later on. This is a must. Good Idea buddy.