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About Rustux

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rustux


  2. Rustux


    but the ones i meet i kill so it wastes what probably 2-4 hours of their time finding all the gear they had?
  3. Rustux


    so im making a thread aobut Bandits ive ben looking around for em in cherno, Elektro , And the most common spawning spot for me Kamibiwo today alone i found a clan of 5 bandits camping 3 of em with mosin with long range scopes and 2 with M4A1's i killed all of em without them even seeing me cause they were standing on the wrong side they were facing the opposite way of me so i got em all quite quick but this is just of like 10 min of play time i come on and see it yesterday i killed about 10 bandits in kamibiwo its overraided with bandits every single day its unreal the amount that is there to kill even fresh spawns with no loot its increadible ive ben camping in kamibiwo to kill bandits for the past days and ive killed quite a few ive had some Quiet moments but its requires patient hunting, im just really wondering the point of killing freshspawns ive got about 200 rounds for the mosin and obv il just camp in kami til ive finished my 200 rounds I do not add anyone for helping me killing bandits cause i do not want anyone to know the location im at ive tried multiple ones but the one im at now is obv the best one
  4. So ive got a Arma 2 Combined Ops Gift pack and i would like to trade it for CS Go gift if anyone is interesting Arma 2 Combined ops costs more than CS Go,
  5. Rustux

    Character Issue

    So i've got a question if im the only one having this issue i logged on last night it showed up that i had no character and thought its just a wipe cause of the patch that doesnt bother me i made the char went on play and spawned as a character i had about 3 weeks ago then my gf wanted to check if her char got wiped aswell on her steam so logged off mine logged on hers went on DayZ but it was my Tag that was stil there clicked Play on hers she had a fresh spawn went back on mine then i got a fresh spawn aswell and now when i log out and go back in i always start as a fresh spawn it doesnt seem to save my character EDIT: 17.44 i logged out and in again and spawned with my character from 3 weeks ago once again Does anyone have any clue of what might be causing it? EDIT: 17.49 Just for a Confirmation Thing on my screen that DayZ could not Locate Something called Character Edgear or what it was called, Going to try repairing it though steam Reinstalling if it does not work