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Everything posted by xplosive

  1. This has been happening to me since before the new patch came out. Let me preface this by saying that when I first installed the game, I did not have this problem. I followed a few FPS tutorials to try and get better FPS in the game, some of these tutorials involved changing some settings in my config files (which I suspect caused this problem). When I load up the game and get into the main menu, I am suppose to see my character standing around with a nice background of some place in Chernarus. If I want to, I can go to 'Change Character' and change gender/skin color/shirt/pants/etc. The problem that I am having is that when I get into the main menu, the entire background is either Blue or Black. I can still see the main menu, but I do not see my character or Chernarus, just a plain blue background or black background. If I go to customize my character, I can't even see him/her. I also can't even see my choices for gender/skin color/shirt/pants/etc. This is frustrating because every time I die and respawn, I have a different character. Sometimes I'm an asian woman, other times I'm a black man, it's totally random. This has been bugging me for a while, so yesterday I decided to uninstall the game completely (delete local content) and also delete all of the DayZ folder contents in My Documents. I re-installed the game, got fresh configs, and I'm still having this problem. Do the DayZ config files save up to the steam cloud by default? Is it possible that my config is just not resetting to default? If so, how can I just get default config files? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. xplosive

    So I tried Hardcore..

    I just don't like the fact that on a regular server someone could be standing behind a wall looking directly at me, waiting for me to walk by so he can pop one in my head, and I would have no idea. Also opening doors of high-loot areas (like the airfield buildings) and just sitting in third person waiting to see someone. At least in HC you have to actually show yourself to see anything. Much more realistic. Also leads to better encounters with other people. I play on HC so often that if I'm ever on a regular server I completely forget that I can go into 3rd person.
  3. Piano houses are my go-to whenever I enter an unlooted town. I know where all the piano houses are in every town and I sprint right to them before any other building (unless there's a school). I've seen the following in piano rooms: Mosin, SKS, Shotgun, B95, Fire Axe, Splitting Axe, Magnum ammo, Shotgun ammo, Mosin ammo, SKS ammo, Canteens, Rice, Beans, Fresh fruit, Can openers. Can't beat the loot in the piano room, especially when some towns (like Svetlo and Vybor) have 3 of them.
  4. xplosive

    Feedback: Fists Up Sprint Is Overpowered

    I think the fact that it doesn't fatigue you right now is kind of necessary until they put vehicles in the game, otherwise it would take forever to get from 1 town to another. Once vehicles get put in the game (even just bicycles) I'm all for making sprinting more difficult by causing you to lose energy/hydration really fast. Also - it will make running away from zombies much more difficult, thus increasing their threat.
  5. Wasn't recording or anything so I have to describe what happened. I was at the NWAF with a friend of mine who was very new to the game. We heard tons of gunfire in the firehouse near the ATC tower, so naturally we ran toward it. We got there and saw 4 dead bodies, attacker nowhere to be seen. Shortly after he comes back to the bodies and opens fire on us with an M4 (we were inside the firehouse whereas he was outside the door in the grassy area facing the rock wall perimeter). He shot me, I shot him, both of us were bleeding but not dead. He started running toward a corner of the firehouse from the outside. I ran up to the doorway and peeked to the left in the direction he ran. Nobody is there. Coast is entirely clear. There was no way he could have run away that fast (I got to the door about 1 second after he ran) so I figured he combat logged. I stayed peeking for about 10 seconds, still no sign of him, so I step outside the door just to make sure when suddenly HE COMES OUT OF THE WALL. He was literally INSIDE the wall and just walked right out of it and shot me. Is this some kind of hack or was this just a glitch due to the alpha-ness of the game? (like maybe from his point of view he was just crouched in the corner but from my point of view he was inside a wall)? Been bothering me for a couple days and I'm looking for a second opinion. For anyone that cares, after he killed me he immediately started bandaging himself, and my friend was able to kill him while he was bandaging.
  6. xplosive

    Did I Get Cheated Or Was This Just A Glitch?

    Yea I know about that exploit too. Also the one where you can hide in a house, walk up to a wall, and lean into it to basically see everything outside on the street. Really hope that exploit gets patched soon. There was a guy that was toying with my buddy (who just got the game that day) this way. The exploit user was on the top floor of one of the buildings at NEAF, and my buddy was outside. The exploiter was saying in direct communication 'i can see you, i see you crouching there, now i see you getting up, now i see you proning, i'm coming to get you in a second.' Really annoying. Made my friend not want to play the game anymore because his first encounter with another player was basically admitting to using an exploit and messing with him.
  7. xplosive

    Reloading With 'function' Key

    This has got to be one of the simplest things to fix and it would have an enormous impact. Can't stand it when I have an M4 loaded with a CMAG, with a second CMAG in my inventory, and I try to open a door but miss and I'm forced to reload my weapon. Not only is it annoying, but it's a huge giveaway if you're trying to be stealthy and suddenly you start making the load noises associated with a reload.
  8. xplosive

    VAC ban error?

    Did you have any other games open at the time, or any 3rd party anti-cheat clients running related to a different game? This happened to me once a long long time ago in Counter-Strike. Not sure if you have heard of ESEA, but it's an enormous community in counter-strike with it's own anti-cheat client that has very frequent updates. ESEA updated their anti-cheat client once and for some reason VAC was detecting it as a cheat and banning accounts. I got VAC banned because of it as well. I went to steam support and explained the situation and apparently I was not the only one that this happened to. They lifted the VAC ban from my account and all was well. Anyway, just sayin, it could be related to 3rd party software that had nothing to do with your game. Ever since then I've learned to basically not have any other programs (other than browsers or instant messengers) open while playing any game on steam. Just in case... you never know.
  9. xplosive

    Berry Picking?

    i doubt it... the whole tick on the changelog related to berries said "Berry picking". If they meant 'beret' instead of 'berry' it would read "Beret picking" which makes absolutely no sense.
  10. I know what you mean, but it doesn't fix my issue. I have tried every different combination of video settings available in the game and it hasn't resolved the problem. It has to be something I inadvertently did in my config, so really I just want to find out how I can get my config files to revert back to their default settings.