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Everything posted by Khoal

  1. Khoal

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    So, never play on patch day is a good way to go about this one and just to say it; the Patchlog seems to be incomplete.
  2. Khoal

    Magpul M4 vs SKS

    It works. With a lot of luck. ^^
  3. Khoal

    Do You Use The Glitch Spots?

    I chose 'No' because I personally never went into one of them, although I have trapped one of my Teammates in one of the prison military buildings out of pure boredem (and he was kinda too long afk...). He hasn't been able to come out of there ever since, pretty effective.
  4. Khoal


    I'd love that. One of my characters lived nearly 50 hours (could be more) - 1 1/2 minutes of memories. :D But, that should be optional for performance and 'don't want that shit' reasons.
  5. Khoal

    PvE and PvP Server

    Personally I would love some "PVE" Servers, not like the players are invincible for other players, more like a mentality. The only thing I would add as an option for servers (if I could) is a bounty for bandits (general position automatically written in chat, marked on the map with possible exceptions for certain areas like the military bases and airstrips, etc.) - this way players who are inclined to hunt those bandits (hrm, heroes) would have it easier, the bandits harder and normal survivors could escape (or die trying to become a hero :)).