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Nobel Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Nobel Sephiroth

  1. Nobel Sephiroth

    The Story Of Friendly Boy And Kos Girl

    This girl is steal my heart. I must meet her and turn her to hero of women.
  2. Nobel Sephiroth

    Tactical Vests And Puffer Jackets

    I believe I looted one 2 days ago at military vest south of Vybor. Haven't logged in since looting it though.
  3. Nobel Sephiroth

    The Green Avenger

    #4 make me laugh so hard I is wake up my sleeping sister. She is punch me in jaw. Hehahsheahss
  4. Nobel Sephiroth

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    Hi friends. I no like kos. I try be hero of men. In game is like real life. I is loner. I camp outside of towns and venture in for food. This all north map. I move towns as stench of urine/number two starts to attract bandits and bandicoots. This is how i survive. This is life.
  5. Nobel Sephiroth

    No loot in Ballota Barracks?(the ones near the beach)

    Hi friend. I visited military barracks south of Vibor and it had M4 and in next room pristine ACOG. First time in military base. Like Charlie Sheen would say "winning" I should have headed to airfield however, started south towards elektro for some Funny times.
  6. Nobel Sephiroth

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    Hi friends. Tissues is a must for those who like crying. In honesty though. Really like see ghille suit and bows/cross bows.
  7. Hi friends. Yes Zeds are everywhere. I just had one spawn in the Forrest on me. My dad maked a threat to throw computer in bath due to scream of loud. Also I noticed I is get attacked by a Army Zed. Appeared to be of Chopper pilot. I love it. Although I is try sneak on one and smack with baseball bat. No go couldn't hit so had to fist him. Hard. From behind.
  8. Hi friend of crying. You say you don't want play 10 hours looking for scope but you admitted you spent 200 hours in this game and never seen. I Australian/Chinese logic tell me another 10 hour is nothing. Maybe you is need ask for tissues to be implemented in game? I am make bet that when you get will only hunt bambies. This is clear by logic of which you post so far.
  9. Nobel Sephiroth

    get wrecked.

    We're these men of pirates and you wish for their ship to be wrecked? How many sails did the ship have I will keep eye on the oceans to hunt these men of pirates on land. You fought with bravery friend.
  10. Nobel Sephiroth

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Hi friend of many. I have another quote my dad would tell me when I am upset and cry it is simple "Cry is free, KFC is not" He always yell this when I ask for too much. This is alpha. Do not expect too much and you will be happy long into life of game.
  11. Nobel Sephiroth

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Hi First time poster long time reader. Let me share some thoughts around this with something my dad once told me. He is very wise men of 65 years. When I was 17 I found out I was adopted from China and not just a rare baby between my two Caucasian parents. When I asked my dad why. He looked me long and hard and said "Sh1t happens" I believe this can be coined here when playing in Alpha. Is life. Is sad, so laugh to not be sad.