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Everything posted by Scerun

  1. Scerun

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    Yeah, maybe it's felt that because they're unlimited once found, that the need for them to be rare is the option. I would feel happier if you got say, 10/15 matches per box, and they spawned a little bit more.
  2. Scerun

    Suggestion: Respawn on tent

    I notice here that the problem is not repsawning it's "Wasting time running across the map". Aka making a dash for NWAF for all the shinest of loot. Which is fine. This just highlights the fundamental flaw of having areas such as NWAF farmable for highest-end loot. If loot was better distributed, and you felt that you a chance (even the tinest little bit) to find an M16 in a lighthouse; would you feel that respawning is less about the dash to NWAF, and more about exploring areas that have otherwise been regarded as utterly pointless?
  3. Scerun

    Flashlights and Running

    Yeah, I'm all for making flashlights useful like this.
  4. Scerun

    Realism & Gameplay

    I verily much agree
  5. Scerun

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    The night is cool. the new spawning is cool. You wanting to best facilitate the farming/camping/server hopping of NWAF, is, however, uncool.
  6. Scerun

    DayZ 2033

    I dislike the radiation idea, but love the gas-mask idea. Maybe if you need gas masks for another reason, that'd be awesome. I don't think that there should be better lot in a particluar area, it's bad enough that NWAF gets farmed on the regular. Gas masks for exploration/cosmetic purposes would be all you need, no shiny chests of loot at the end of the tunnel, you know.
  7. Scerun

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    Anti-depressants? That's cool and stuff but seem kinda severe for someone who is just feeling a bit lonesome. Why not some alcohol, too? That makes you feel better about almost anything! Ofcourse, drinking too much whiskey will make your aim all pathetic. I consider that a good trade off! Why not add cigarettes/cigars, too? These too could help comfort the character and keep him or her sane. I'm thinking that this could be a cool feature, you know. Implement a system of sanity thresholds, ranging from "Sane" to "LJASDIAFYSYCASVBATSHITCRAZYKAVSDLJALALKK". At the beginning stages, you might find you lack the ability to focus on things in excess of 1km. In the medium stages (DEPRESSION?), you'll find that your ability to focus on objects is worsened to maybe 500/600m, your aim is shakey, your cahracter mumbles loudly to him/herself when not in combat (attracting attention), you might find your reload times become longer, your spend longer unconcious. At the worse stages(INSANE?), you'll find things become blurry in excess of 400m, your aim wavers about after too long, you take longer to recover your aim after sprinting. You might find that your character falls unconcious after being still for too long. Reload times are longer, you cannot sprint as far (AHEM ADD IN A SPRINT METER LIMIT THANKS). You find yourself needing to eat more food and more water more often, too. Hallucinations would be kinda cool. Sometimes the zombies look like survivors. I figure that you should only need anti depressants in the worse stage in order to get back out of it, there would be no human contact that could help you out at that point. YOU'D NEED DRUGS AND LOTS OF THEM. Alcohol, Cigarettes would suffice in controlling the affects up that stage, and could keep your character happily in the "sane" threshold so long as those supplies last. But you know, if you added a stamina system in the game, rocket, you could make Alcohol, Cigarettes, depression/insanity affect these negatively, and it would stay pretty authentic and make players deem to stay as happy as possible. EDIT: Cigarettes/Cigars/Alcohol would be awesome to trade between players, too. SECOND EDIT: I think the general notion is calling it "insanity" is bad. It makes people feel weak - at a disadvantage. Calling it something such as stress, would be far better, I reckon.
  8. Right, PKing isn't immature. It's a very legitimate avenue of play... Sort out your attitude
  9. This is really great, a sure step forward in my eyes. The only time ammo becomes even in the slightest bit scarce is in huge groups. For an apocolypse, there is definitely too much shooting. Certainly, there is far, far too much food and water about. I wouldn't like to see more -junk-, as that'd be aggrovating. Instead, there should be significantly more useful items that aren't for blood, thirst or hunger. That way you feel that venturing into town is worthwhile, and not just being spammed with empty soda cans, whiskey bottles and tins. I'm all for better zombie encounters. Like you say, they should indeed be more threatening. Right now, they are a nuisance, and the only time I get killed by one, it feels ufnair. E.G. Zombie super-speed, hitting through walls (to be fixed in next patch), running through walls (fixed in next patch). Furthermore, I would love to see Zombies shamble towards sound - curious - as opposed to knowing exactly where you are, death-sprinting towards your every exact location like they're on a direct-line-call to the eye of sauron. This is excellently thought out and I can say confidently that you understand DayZ very well, and how it should be.
  10. Scerun

    Shifting the weapons a bit for more diversity

    Couldn't agree more about the scoped weapon spawns, you know!
  11. Scerun

    Subtle Audible Cues and Humanity

    You know, Milkyjax is totally fucking right! I need to go an edit my gorram reply to that thread!
  12. Scerun

    Poacher Camps: for us "Wildies"

    The forest is pretty boring, this much is true. I think I'm fond of the idea. We should definitely all consider how to cater to all player-types. Once zombies start spawning in the forests, I think there will definitely need to be an potential incentive to go to the ass-end of nowhere.
  13. Scerun

    Make EVERY weapon a lot harder to find.

    I'm not entirely sure about reducing weapons spawns to the rate you suggest. Infact, maybe just less ammo? I'd however agree that higher-end equipment could use with being rarer, and perhaps better distributed spawns. It's not about "Oh, I found an M14 in a BARN" it's a case of "I wonder who left this here..." We'd really have to see what zombies are like when they're fully and intentionally functioning. Right now I need plenty of mags beause the things run so damned fast! It would feel unfair to have to hit a zombie-blur and not be given a reasonable amount of ammo to do so.
  14. NO. Changed my answer after I saw what Milkyjax said. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11103