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Everything posted by DeatHTaX

  1. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    is it just me or is "I don't KoS" the new "I'm not a racist!" around here lol xD
  2. DeatHTaX

    Be a hero...

    Wow.... Let the guy leave his flares and try to help people. Jesus lol. If that's the way he wants to help people, go ahead. Let him. There is not one or two ways to be a "Hero" in this game. I know I'll think twice when I see a flare in the doorway. Why not? Maybe doing so will unknowingly keep me safe in some scenario. Seriously...this feels to me like someone came to their parents with a really awesome painting they did in art class and then the dad slams it on the floor and yells, "THIS IS NOTHING LIKE VAN GOGH'S WORK!"
  3. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Isn't that the most basic form of survival? Avoiding death? And avoiding death from other players? I personally think that the game when it's finished will be plenty satisfying to everyone when it comes to survival, except of course for the people who get butthurt about KoSing and pvp. It's something they will never come to terms with in the game and will go off into their own little cordoned off worlds of rubbing sticks together and making fires when they step in a puddle, which is freaking mind-blowing to me that people find that fun but hey, whatever. Seriously, let's look at some of the current elements of survival. Avoiding hypothermia Avoiding Hunger Avoiding thirst Avoiding player related deaths Avoiding zombie death Avoiding in-climate weather and the game isn't even done yet. Yeah some of those are easier than others, but seriously? What on earth do people want? "I want to get home from a long day at work and play this game that kills me if I step on a rusty nail! THAT'S fun." Idk. This all boils down to the fact I think everyone else is stupid and I'm right about everything I guess lol. Sarcasm aside, the game will be fine. I think the KoSing will naturally die down, which either way I don't care. The gunfights are the best part and I don't mind treating every player as hostile. It's just a way to play. Besides, at least it's not H1Z1
  4. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Why does it need a balance? Please explain. I think the game is fine the way it is, minus the not being finished and the hackers. Griefers can be griefers, RPers can RP, etc etc.
  5. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    KoS isn't going anywhere. The SA is currently PvP oriented. You're going to have to deal with it. If you want a game where you can walk up to a random internet stranger and talk about the weather, you're playing the wrong game. The devs aren't "pandering" to the KoS crowd. They're a bit busy developing a game atm to listen to the whining of the two groups of pro and anti-KoS. Neither party will be pleased fully either way so why bother at the moment. Seriously...why do you people keep bringing this shit up? It's not KoSers VS. Rp VS. Casuals. Just play the fucking game the way you want to play it. You're play style is not preferable to anyone else's. It's a sandbox "survival" game.I personally think PvE oriented servers are absolutely the dumbest idea ever and present no fun to me at all, but if people wanna do that, hey why not. Go for it. Mod your own shit and make your own PvE paradise where you run around and whack zombies with axes and share peaches. Player identification (realistic or otherwise). No. This does not need to be in the game.
  6. DeatHTaX

    The "new" cheating.

    You must have really shitty luck. Never had that issue. Or MAYBE it's because you're joining servers with 1 - 4 people on them...and those people are a close knit group or a single admin gearing on their own server. Be a big boy, gear up on a mid - high pop and you won't have the issue of getting kicked off servers by admins lol
  7. DeatHTaX

    The "new" cheating.

    I am aware those rules exist, but what I'm saying is I think they're stupid. If you buy a server, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it IMO. I know people will disagree out of server-envy, and server hosters have the right to enact restrictions and guidelines, but that doesn't mean I can't say their foolish. Seriously. It's a game. If they're gonna buy a server just to kick people off of it, whatever. No skin off my back.
  8. If they were truly stealth...wouldn't it be impossible to find their twitch or yt accounts?
  9. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Good observation. I didn't even notice that. Maybe he's trying to imply killing people in a video game can't be fun, and it you consider it fun, you're mentally unstable...?
  10. DeatHTaX

    The Master Outdoorsman Club

    Axing deer = MASTER OUTDOORSMAN Now go rub some sticks together while you all think about how awesome I am at outdoors-y stuff
  11. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Thanks for your service if that's true, but I don't really think that has anything to do with anything :/
  12. DeatHTaX

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    Indeed...I can't even begin to tell you how much this game has hurt me. My soul aches. And as far as security is concerned, the best way to improve security is to get rid of battle eye and get a better anti-cheat. One that doesn't ban people for no reason and has a support staff that gives two shits.
  13. DeatHTaX

    The "new" cheating.

    I really don't understand why people care so much about sad, lonely people paying money for a server where they run around by themselves, loot by themselves, and play by themselves simply so they can gear up uncontested. Who cares? Yeah yeah you'll all say "OMG but the terms and conditions and rules of servers and such!" but I don't really understand...let someone buy a server and do what they want with it. Don't like it? Don't play on their server. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I just don't personally have any care for people who do that. And the argument that "They take their loot and gear and go to other public hive servers so it's not fair!" makes no sense. I could seriously go to a zero - low pop public hive, gear up uncontested, get to where I need to go, then re log into a full pop and be ready to fight. I mean you can gear up and be ready to fight in less than 20 minutes anyway, let someone be stupid and spend a bunch of money on a server to do what they could do for free on a freshly restarted public hive. So if you're gonna have beef, have beef with the public hive, not the selfish idiots.
  14. Can we expect a bloody power grab?
  15. Sorry I missed the meet and greet guys. Hope you all had a smashing good time! I stayed up til' like 8am playing Robocraft for some reason...and I figured it was more important to get sleep and be able to watch the colts game without falling asleep. ...I wish I had picked the meet and greet lol.
  16. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Haha all good my man! I couldn't help playing along a little. I'm kind of a dick like that :P
  17. DeatHTaX

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    In my experience, I have noticed the Ghillie suit attracts Gokus and bad luck. It is cursed. CURSED I TELL YOU.
  18. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Ha McWendy...I was obviously being sarcastic. Please go back and reread xD
  19. Seriously...sometimes I think you forget this is a GAME lol.
  20. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Bro, YOU have no idea what you're talking about. KoS is the way this game was designed to be played. It's even in the dev blogs. I've lived through at least 3 or 6 apocalypsesesis, so I know what i'm talking about alright? KOS OR BUST SON!
  21. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    I KoS because it's the only way to play the game. Everyone who doesn't has no idea what it is like to be in the apocalypse. I mean seriously, if you're in the apocalypse, you're totally going to shoot everyone you see. People who whine about KoS have no idea what they're talking about. KOS ALL DAY SON. Trust me, I'm an apocalypse expert. this is my 3rd.
  22. DeatHTaX

    So it's Saturday...

    Is there any news from Reddit of these radical changes coming out in regards to this? (I don't really use or like reddit so I try not to browse it) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218163-reddit-eugen-re-cheaters-and-battleye-you-should-see-a-major-improvement-this-week/ Or do I just have a different understanding of the idea of "this week". My only guess is he meant to say "within the next seven days". Still pretty early in the day, but I figured if they usually would roll something out it would be in the wee hours of the morning. Anyone got their ear to the ground on this or heard any news? I haven't seen anything here on the forums yet.
  23. DeatHTaX

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    I would pay to see a coal-powered hard drive
  24. DeatHTaX

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    Well said, sir. And my...aren't you a handsome one?
  25. DeatHTaX

    DayZ and Dimmdrive

    oh not not NOBLE SAVAGE'S IGNORE LIST! MY GOD!!!!!! The place where logic goes to die