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Everything posted by DeatHTaX

  1. DeatHTaX

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    I wouldnt mind a much harder system. I mean I'm gonna be honest, I have NEVER been in a situation where I have been dying of thirst or hunger. It's pretty easy to stay afloat. I just find it funny you die of hunger before you die of thirst xD
  2. ha i just read character bug and assumed he was referring to the whole hive mess xD shame on me ...and where on earth did you get stuck in the water that you cant reach land ANYWHERE? Like there's no shore to swim to and die peacefully upon the sands? hmm that blows...well did you ever think of telling someone where you're at, and then someone can come put you out of your misery?
  3. DeatHTaX

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    while we're at it let's take out the zombies and running because it's super inconvenient :P trolol
  4. Well you can just re-gear your dude in 2 - 4 hours. I don't get what all the fuss is about.
  5. DeatHTaX

    Rare Ammo That Real Bandits Would Like

    Yes, let's give the bandits even more of an advantage and even more ways to prey on wanderers and the like lol xD
  6. DeatHTaX

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    Sunglasses reducing the sunglare PLEEEEEEEEEEASE for the love of God. I don't want them to just make me look sexy. I am a man of practicality!
  7. DeatHTaX

    Warning do not paint you Mosin 9130 !

    I sprayed mine And it turned into God Mode Mosin. Spray all of your Mosins to get the ultimate GOD MODE MOSIN! but seriously don't do it
  8. DeatHTaX

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    The only problem I have with the blood system is your blood levels don't regenerate (in my experience) when neither thirsty nor hungry like I have read in multiple places it is supposed to. Not to mention that once you stop the bleeding and eat and drink in real life, your body does this thing where it starts making more red blood cells and plasma :P
  9. The patch is fine. This is after roughly 4 hours of work and only 2 server switches, mainly due to the fact the first server i was on got dark and I couldnt find a headlamp at the time, lol. :D edit: oh and I murdered a guy at Balota and took his sexy golden storage cases full of goodies :D So i guess i sort of cheated. But that doesn't change the fact I think the loot system is MUCH more balanced.
  10. not much point in spray painting my M4 buttstock when it's already black xD RARG! Give me more colors!!!
  11. DeatHTaX

    no more loot in military tents

    Well I'm with ya there. I didn't see a single optic in the server I was on, and I spent a good 4 hours hoofin it around to the different military bases and airfields. HOWEVER, I did find a FN red dot in Cherno. That town always just surprises me with its dirty dirty loot :p
  12. I would totally trade you for that beret
  13. Are you implying you're going to come take them from me? Bring it on :P and I've also noticed the variety of the boots too. I totally dig it. Although hopefully in the future they update it to where boots and tennis shoes give different perks, because i have a feeling if you want to look cool in your boots, but theyre loud as hell, you'll wear a pair of pink sneakers to be a little quieter :P at least i know i would
  14. DeatHTaX

    no more loot in military tents

    Knowing those people, they'll just keep server hopping even harder now that the military tent loot is reduced lol. Oh deer lurdy caint play dis gayem withowt mai EIGHT MILLION GUN ATTACHMENTS!!!!
  15. Everyone take cover! I see a potential nerd rage fight on the horizon! :D And I still have yet to find a canteen anywhere in this post update Land. Came across a couple of really nice boots at B-Airbase. A pair of stone blue and anarchist-emo red. fun little additions, devs :D
  16. DeatHTaX

    Terrible FPS after patch

    if your frames are still bad after everything else is lowered: Go to Documents > DayZ and open DayZ.cfg in notepad. Change GPU_MaxFramesAhead and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead to = 1.
  17. Careful, if it tips over you'll break your legs xD
  18. DeatHTaX

    no more loot in military tents

    The only thing i had one hell of a time finding through 3 towns and a military base was a canteen. Found everything else just fine for the most part. I am very please with the serious reduction in military grade weapon spawns, such as pistols. I have even noticed the fire stations are now home to quite a variety of loot (and fire extinguishers now, which makes sense when you think about it lol) rather than just pistol ammo, clothes, and magnums. makes you have to search far and wide for whatcha need xD
  19. I prefer the penny-jammed-into-the-key trick :P
  20. You are correct. I found this... I was surprised when the only option i was given when trying to load the gun was to chamber a round. So I went back to a building in Cherno I remembered seeing an original MN in and swapped them out. sure enough, the painted version only held one round, which makes me sad because it's looks really nice. Or maybe it was because it was a magical floating superbullet Mosin. Who knows :D
  21. Ha well thank you :D I appreciate that info. Had been lurking quite a bit trying to find those answers and couldnt quite track em down. I bought this game 3 days ago so I'm incredibly new to all this. Thanks for the info :)
  22. Well after about half an hour or so of gameplay into the new update i'm impressed with it thus far. The new loot additions are pretty cool, and I like the variations of color for the clothing. not quite sure what to do with this stupid spray can but meh, i'll figure it out later. My vault animation still acts a bit wonky at times however. Other than that, havent seen anything else I dont quite like or see technical issues with yet. Still waiting for them walkers to have juggernaut mode turned off xD I was, however, disappointed that they did not implement some sort of suicide option, or fix the respawn (although the respawn just doesnt work for me. It may just be me and only me, idk) but i am really impressed with their progress. Im really excited for this game to keep on improving edit: the suicide option meaning "oh crap i just broke both my legs in the middle of nowhere, I shall suicide so I can get on with testing the game" or "oh god I'm stuck in a room with no doors or way out because I glitched into it" kinda stuff :D
  23. Hands down is probably the messed up bus just off the side of the main coast road between Kamyshovo and Solnichniy that has the 16 some odd half buried dead corpses strewn about beside it. Caught me off guard as I was about to loot it, as I hadn't seen any sort of "Human Death" element in the game up to that point. Then I realized I was walking on a bunch of decrepit, dead, rotting faces. And at 3am in the morning it kind of wigs you out a bit more than usual
  24. idk, I've done some experimenting with the M4 with the bipod deployed full prone and as farm as accuracy at distances go, I've been able to single shot kill Zombies, and mess up some people from distances of over 300m (i measured it on the DayZ map). But there truly is nothing like a good ol' fashion WW2 era rifle dropping a baddie at long range :D way more satisfying. At the end of the day though, the obvious advantage goes to he who wields the M4, so I'd have to go with that :) and i'm a customization whore lol
  25. I second that. I for one am not leaving this game anytime soon. It is the kind of game that I have been waiting for for the longest time, and will not see myself "leaving it" because it's not perfect in an ALPHA stage Besides...still has less bugs and glitches than Battlefield 4's official release. OH SNAP! Buuuuuuuurn, EA