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Everything posted by DeatHTaX

  1. DeatHTaX

    All server crashed character reset?

    Damn...I just completed a complete megathon from solnichny, all the way around the coast to balota, then up to pavlovo and zenogorsk. Good god i know its an alpha but i cant help but feel a bit frustrated at my apparent waste of serious time xD oh well, back to Kamyshovo, my friends! :D
  2. DeatHTaX

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Well what I get for trying to be nice is trying to get killed. came across 2 guys with their flashlights out in a night server, told them to come out in the road and lay flat and to state their business if they were friendly or not. One of them did, the other ran off, so i told his buddy he could finish looting the building they were in and then they had to head down the road if they didn't want me to shoot them. Told em it wasnt personal, just cant trust anyone. Lucky for me my clouds were disabled and so were my friend's, because he spotted their buddy on the roof trying to get our position so he could take a shot on us. he sat there looking around for a few minutes and I gave them one last warning to leave. Still another minute later he was still scanning the area so I took him out. His buddy DCd and left a pretty funny flashlight glitch in the grass. I mean seriously, I don't think I can get much nicer than an attempt like that as far as complete strangers go
  3. DeatHTaX

    All server crashed character reset?

    So does this mean when the maintenance is over that my character will go back to normal? that would be nice
  4. DeatHTaX

    Favorite Melee weapon ( s )

    Please tell me they're not actually going to put chainsaws in this game -.-
  5. it is a bug. Any spraypaint will ruin your mosin. Don't do it.
  6. DeatHTaX

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    That makes absolutely no sense...as you have read this thread in the forum AND replied to it Respectable sir. i must ask, dafuq you talkin bout?
  7. DeatHTaX

    Clothing Upgrade Mods/Kits

    Throughout my time playing so far, my biggest disappoint (which isn't a very big one, because this game rocks IMO) is that once I get geared out i usually end up looking the same. There are a lot of other clothing items that I really like, but for practical purposes I just have to let go due to storage space insufficiency. So I got to thinking, what if you were able to simply upgrade the low grade clothes you really like with clothing upgrade kits? For example, a kit could contain needle and thread, etc, and you could collect scrap cloth from other shirts and clothes you tear up to add onto your clothes, giving you the ability to bring your obsolete four slot hoodie up to par with the 6 slottes, etc Also, the ability to spraypaint clothes would be an awesome addition to clothing customization. Just a thought
  8. DeatHTaX

    Dayz banned arma 2

    People don't get banned like that unless they deserve it, which is more often than not the case and with a name like "ghilliexpwnz", couple with the lack of grammar, i can only leave it to my imagination that the age of this person is somewhere in the pre-teens :P
  9. yeah stay away from high pops if you arent geared out or dont want any trouble. Because trust me, if you go to a high pop and are expecting to casually walk around and loot like the dickens, you got another thing comin.
  10. DeatHTaX

    Dayz banned arma 2

    almost as good as "My cat walked across my keyboard and downloaded 2gigs of mature asian pornography, I swear!"
  11. DeatHTaX

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    tried it. For some reason when i aim at the weapon on the ground the hit registers on the wall in front of me, or doesnt register at all
  12. DeatHTaX

    Huzzahh, Zombies walk through doors now

    What you're hearing is tunneling mole zombies
  13. DeatHTaX

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    So from the new patch it seems everything weapon related hurts the overall weapon's operational ability xD Spray paint the Mosin, get a 007 golden gun Clean a pristine weapon, fuck it up lol xD Oh alpha, you so silly!
  14. DeatHTaX

    Loot spawning in the barracks

    Chernogorsk is one of the best towns for weapon attachments in my experience
  15. DeatHTaX

    New Item ?

    Yes it's a new item i believe and now that I see that lovely yellow raincoat you're wearing, IM COMING FOR YOU I WANT IT
  16. DeatHTaX


    I'm a fan of this idea too, because then it really becomes one mad dash for supplies at the beginning, and then the survival element kicks in. This way Bandits are no longer born out of "hey i have a gun lets murder someone!" bandits are then born out of necessity and lack of supplies. Got a lot of supplies, you're on the run. Got nothing? You're on the hunt. Makes for a very flexible dynamic as week to week the hunters can easily become the hunted and visa versa
  17. it is not a mythical cod silencer, it is a SUPPRESSOR. It does not make the weapon soundless lol
  18. DeatHTaX

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    kinda like the new wine in an old wineskin deal. Where the gun is the new wine and the cleaning kit is the old wineskin
  19. DeatHTaX

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    I did share an opinion...I didn't really think I was trying to troll you lol :/ And to be completely honest, if you die from anything other than a spawnkilling a-hole within the first 5 minutes of your spawn in the finished game, you need to be disallowed from spawning for a certain period of time (because that's also just sad...). Thus, people are discouraged from simply throwing themselves to the mercy of the elements or zombies because the same amount of time they spend waiting to respawn they could have spent traveling to a location. Either way, both systems remove the "reward" element from the intentional suicide.
  20. DeatHTaX

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    But let's be honest...spawnkilling is still a Dbag move xD But so is continuing to be spawnkill bait
  21. Balota spawned plenty of loot for me. The tents, however, did not yield me anything The camo-netted lookouts however are still spawning medium yield military
  22. DeatHTaX

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    I really don't think it's fair to assume that your way will solve this problem...lol, no offense :)
  23. DeatHTaX

    Huzzahh, Zombies walk through doors now

    Was that just changed in the recent patch? Because while I am in no way disagreeing with you, I'm just saying, this happens all the time when im in urban areas. I will watch zombies waddle to my previous location from where they spotted me then turn on a dime and come straight at me xD maybe im just that lucky
  24. DeatHTaX

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    Didn't you know? It takes at LEAST 4 shots of UMP-45 to kill a human being. DUH! xD