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Everything posted by DeatHTaX

  1. DeatHTaX

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    How did you manage to find Grimey Rick?
  2. DeatHTaX

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    So you're all for people like WhyHerro who propose the ability to grab someone's beard and kill them? Or other realistic thing such as: Your character getting randomly depressed for no reason? You can sprain your ankle randomly from running Stress fractures! Random bloody noses Nagging girlfriends Removing bandaging so that if you're shot, you are pretty much going to die no matter what. Because realistically, if you get shot, you're not saving your life with some rags. Infected wounds, even if you get hit by a zombie! Better carry around that alcohol tincture that is nearly impossible to find Needing to practice oral hygiene Forcing your character to sleep Blisters on your feet and hands Pissing and shitting The ability to drink your own piss when you can't find water. Hey! That's realistic and has happened in many dire survival cases! The ability to have sex with people. That's realistic, right? Why not put that in? Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean we can't get it on. Needing rain-proof gear from head to toe to be rain-proof, and even then you can still get damp. Because, hey, realistically, you still get wet in hard rain with full rain gear, which means in Chernaurus weather, you can still get hypothermia and die with full rain gear on. Digging holes...Hey! Digging is a realistic thing. Let's dig some holes. You're character has to stop and rest for periods between running. Come on! You can't expect to run forever, can you? Realistically you would have to rest for a good 10 minutes! Vitamin deficiency! Your character getting fat or becoming unhealthy if they don't eat a balanced diet Mosquito bites! Those pesky mosquitos...gosh sure would hate to.... DIE FROM WEST NILE VIRUS Poisonous spiders...gotta remember poisonous spiders. Calcium deficiency, leading to.. Brittle bones! Trench foot Cavities from not flossing! Your character getting REALLY annoyed by those whiskers that grow inward at the corners of your mouth? OOH! That reminds me. Managing your characters mood and mental state! Gosh if you're character is too angry he may be unable to complete basic tasks die to his immense frustration! The ability to pick your nose. That's realistic The ability to scratch your nuts. That's realistic. (Seriously, have you tried not scratching an itch on your body? It drives you insane!) Include tripping into the game, as well as stumbling. Come on, we all do it. It's natural and realistic. You're character is not a gyroscope. The ability to remove ALL clothes. That's realistic. On that note, each character should have unique body parts, as well as reproductive organs. That's realistic. Come on, no two people are the same. We should be able to climb trees! We should be able to climb over walls! We should be able to leap frog with other people in the game. That's realistic. Hop scotch? Idk about you guys but I'm down for a game of DayZ hop scotch. That's a realistic thing. Dreams! While sleeping your character in-game will dream. Good luck separating what is dayz from your dream! Taxes. You didn't think just because it is the end of the world the government isn't going to come and collect what you owe, did you? But remember, those beans you gave to that bambi were tax deductible You were saying about "too much realism being bullshit" again?
  3. DeatHTaX

    Does low-loot server exist?

    You should have played when they did the high-pop experiments. BOY was that a blast. Loot was hard as balls to come by, and killing people actually felt necessary. There was a constant fear anyone you came across would accost you out of desperation for food or gear. BRING BACK HIGH POPS!
  4. DeatHTaX

    Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

    Beans for the trip back in time
  5. DeatHTaX

    What do you think about realism in DayZ?

    Game needs to balance realism and good gameplay. Too realistic, dumb game. Too unrealistic, meh...idk. But bottom line, you can't expect the devs to make this some "real life simulator". If it mimics real life then why the heck am I playing a game. (this thread.)
  6. DeatHTaX

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    Was it something I said? lol xD I don't find anything boring about running into players and engaging in firefights because they are afraid I'll skin their corpses. what IS boring to me is running around for 2 hours, looting buildings, whacking the occasional zombie, and seeing no one. THAT is boring. Seriously, the game will balance itself out when it's done and the loot tables are finished, there are vehicles, more things to do, etc. If you're (a general "you're") whining about KoSing in this game you don't have much faith in what DayZ is going to be and should probably find another game lol
  7. DeatHTaX

    Be a hero...

    THE bush? Now is there some kind of great almighty bush somewhere in Chernaurus? Does he lust for blood? We shall appease him with offerings of peaches and mosins. :P
  8. DeatHTaX

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    Advantages/Pros: 1. Snipers don't have to worry about whether or not someone "poses a threat" (like you could determine that from 700m anyway lol.) 2. Snipers have the luxury of choosing their engagements 3a. A good sniper in DayZ goes for the legs, then finishes off the helpless target to get unruined gear in their backpack and torso attachments 3b. Even if I do ruin their gear, who cares? They're dead and I'm not. It's a survival game. Now I get to skin them and eat their tasty flesh 4. If you miss your shot, you can bug out quick, or pursue the target. Odds are with the way the sound is in this game you won't be able to determine the location of the shot. 5. You can pin down an entire group of people by yourself 6. If there isn't another sniper in the group, or the individual you are stalking doesn't have long range capabilities, you are relatively safe 7. It's incredibly satisfying to dome someone from 500m or more 8. With the addition of ghillie suits the sniper is more deadly than any previous patch.
  9. DeatHTaX

    Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

    Yeah...we;re excited about the idea of beards because hey, beards are cool. Why not? Another perfect example of how IRRELEVANT for most things in this game to be equated with "Omg IN REAL LIFE...." Seriously. When...the F*@#....am I going to have to worry about another player GRABBING MY BEARD and killing me? Please tell me what patch after beards are implemented that the scroll wheel option to sneak up on someone and "Grab beard". Please. Tell me. I'm sorry, but this is literally the most insane argument against beards I've ever heard Like do you READ the things you're saying? lol. God please just let us have our fun and grow our beards. Beards would be cool and something awesome to grow for your character, sort of like a "badge of honor". When I kill someone with a huge, long beard, I can say to myself "wow that's awesome, he was alive for a long time!" Honestly...It's a game! LET US BE EXCITED ABOUT BEARDS. Stop trying to equate EVERY SINGLE THING that we want in this game with some counter argument how it should be in real life. It's a game. A GAME. This is not "Real Life Simulator 4000". Yes, it's cool to make a game realistic, but sometimes it's just not worth the time or the effort, or even physically possible based on limitations of the engine to do some things "for real". Good LORD man.
  10. DeatHTaX

    Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

    ...please tell me you're being facetious.
  11. DeatHTaX

    Be a hero...

  12. DeatHTaX

    Be a hero...

    Jesus...and I thought i was a dick. Well, if it helps YOUR ego and to give you a better night's sleep to trash his idea of trying to help people, go for it. I don't think it's the best idea either, but it's something fun to consider. Next time I go into a building and see a road flare placed in the door, maybe OP was there, and saves me some time. Or maybe I'm running up to a town and see a couple road flares positioned in the road. Cool. Now I can simply run past this town as it's probably been looted. It's not about what you DO that makes you a "hero" (the idea of "heroes" in this game is hilarious to me) sometimes being a hero can be the smallest thing or the thought behind an act. For example, you don't have to save someone's life or be a cop or serve in the military and save a buddy in a firefight to be a hero. Sometimes being a hero can be the littlest thing, like reading a book to some kids in a homeless shelter or giving a friend a ride who really needs it. In OP's case, it's trying to help other people out with roadflares in a videogame to maybe save them some time or maybe alert them to danger. I know this sounds like a hallmark card or something but come on...this is like, grade three stuff you learn about heroes, here. Clearly shiny is trying to be kind and go out of his way to be nice in his own way, and for you to sit there and shit on him for it is kind of asshole-ish. Just because it's not what YOU think being a "hero" in this game is doesn't not make him one.
  13. DeatHTaX

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Agreed. It is incredibly foolish to say that ALL organized groups dupe gear because a few do. I don't think i've run into more than 2 groups ever that had duped gear, or seemingly duped gear.
  14. DeatHTaX


    The hockey stick is OP. Every time I have used it I have knocked out my assailant/guy I decided I want to beat the shit out of in one hit.
  15. DeatHTaX

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    I personally think the only way to combat hackers is to implement scripts in-game that can detect the hacking. I may have mentioned this in another post, but back when I played Altis Life a lot, a group of us made our own server and we were testing scripts that detected spawned-in items, teleporting, etc, and when the server detected these things, it would display a global message stating it had stopped a hacking attempt and would kick the player. I don't understand why this can't be done in this game's engine. I wouldn't think it'd be hard to code something that detects player-spawned items, or, y'know, the player whooshing across the map at the speed of sound. I think allowed players to see who killed them and report hackers more easily will result in maybe more hackers getting banned, but it could also result in even more completely innocent players being subject to bans as well, and that's already enough of a problem as it is.
  16. DeatHTaX

    FPS problem with DayZ Standalone

    Well I'm a 15 and 2, rougly. I usually experience that freezing every 15 - 20 minutes or so. Usually the people i'm playing experience it as well, so I'm not even sure it is a problem with the users. Could be server related. Do you play on the same private hive or public server frequently?
  17. DeatHTaX

    Strange behavior with V3S truck

    Shoot every time I get into a truck with someone else the server lags out for me and whoever I'm with.
  18. DeatHTaX

    FPS problem with DayZ Standalone

  19. DeatHTaX

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    I never said hackers weren't being banned lol. There are quite a few instances of people who don't hack in DayZ who have received global bans from BE. I was just taking a little jab at BE, as I'm not a huge fan of the current anti-cheat DayZ utilizes :P
  20. DeatHTaX

    FPS problem with DayZ Standalone

    Hmm...I don't really think it has anything to do necessarily with your specs. I'm positive you have a better gaming computer than I do (400$ HP desktop with an upgraded GFX card.) However, I do experience this occasional freezing now and then. I think it may have more to do with internet connection????? What's your up and down speed?
  21. DeatHTaX

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    No...there are snipers in this game lol. Someone using the tactical advantage of being able to kill someone from long distances doesn't make them a griefer or a troll lol. I guess it's just funny to me people don't see the obvious advantages of sniping and it's somehow some EVIL thing to do in this game
  22. DeatHTaX

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    So does this mean BE won't be randomly banning non-hackers anymore? :P
  23. DeatHTaX

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    That's cool...but here in DayZ, lone wolf style play rocks, and Lone Wolves are awesome.