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Everything posted by DeatHTaX

  1. Whoa whoa whoa...so what you're telling me is the game isn't done yet?! Dear Jesus thank you so much for letting me know. I had absolutely no idea. And it's been almost...shit how many years? Four? And they are STILL working on the loot economy? Dear Jesus. Yes. I tested and provided feedback for almost every single patch for about a year. Then I pretty much gave up on it because people kept clamoring for more retarded shit to be thrown into the game like fucking beards, more realism (like dying of hunger in 30 minutes...OOH fun.), burying fucking bodies (smh) and the devs kept caving to the demands of people who wanted The Forest but with zombies. Don't get me wrong the game looks great now, and they seem to have FINALLY somewhat optimized the game engine. Also, if I have to look up a Wikipedia page on how to craft items in a game, that's poor game design. Pure and simple. I'm just a guy who misses the old days of DayZ SA. It was such a fun adventure to play with your friends and meet up, and get into absolutely insane and tense fights with random people. You also didn't starve in half an hour then. I came from the time of the loot bugs, being able to crawl under the hanger at NE AF, glitch through the wall of any ATC building, the net-code issues. Even with all those flaws the raw version of DayZ was infinitely more fun than what it is now IMO. I just think they're going the wrong direction and getting away from what made the game such a hit in the first place, which is player interaction...not the satisfaction of making your own fire and warming up beans while doing digging animations to bury the zombie you just killed.
  2. So I've been MIA with DayZ for some time, probably an entire year. I've watched some videos to catch up for the most part on the general updates since the last time I've played, and overall, it seems to run a bit better (except the soul-crushing intermittent frame stuttering that happens when I approach any town or location) But I have to ask...where the hell is everyone? I have been playing for roughly 20 hours the past week or so, and have not seen a single person. Not one. I have been to all of the populated zones, military zones, main roads, the coast...haven't even seen a fresh spawn. Haven't heard or seen someone driving a truck, playing music over their VOIP, running around naked in Elektro (Not that this is a staple of a positive game experience, but I sure as hell miss it)...I have to say, without the element of danger and unpredictability of player interactions, this game is still rather stale from my initial observations. Has the player base just died off that much? Or am I just unlucky. (I also have to say, they have made some very questionable decisions in my opinion, such as removing the player list in-game and changing the server population from numeric to the "Low-Med-High" system.)
  3. DeatHTaX

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    The good old days...
  4. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    See, I heard about the steam overlay for getting an idea for the number of players on a server, but that just makes no sense...why remove it if steam allows you to get a count anyway? And drat, I loved them 50 person servers haha. Was easy to find em. Guess I'll just have to get with the program. And aah, I see. NE Coastal cities eh? And one issue I also discovered is I was apparently using an outdated map, which would explain why I kept trying to find so many landmarks for reference points that were no longer there lol. And I personally don't understand why they keep continuing to make adjustments that will attempt to curb server hopping. People will always find ways around it as long as there are public servers. Not even sure why they try to fight it, but that's just my opinion.
  5. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    I mean that's not really why I came back. Just making some observations and generating opinions. I obviously still like the game, and yeah I have some gripes about it, but what's wrong with that? It's a forum. I generally like to throw my gripes out there because typically someone has a perspective that may shed light on my own concerns and change my viewpoint. So yeah, sue me. I have opinions. :)
  6. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    1. Learn to quote. 2. Seriously, just stop. This is embarrassing
  7. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    Thanks for the answer, Zod. Also, good to see you again. Yeah, the game as it is on its own right now I think is still in dire need of some work in order to be enjoyed on it's own. But I honestly was expecting way more completion after an entire year vacation.
  8. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    So....if you go back and read my post, I was not asking for an update on a year's worth of development. In fact I explicitly said I had already caught myself up on it. I asked one general question. Reading. It's super hard.
  9. The development of this game in my opinion is incredibly slow. I wouldn't advise anyone to buy it until it's finished. I wait with eager anticipation to see it complete.
  10. DeatHTaX

    Do you remember this weapon ?

    The ol' Mosin...miss that beauty. Killed a lot of dudes with that thing. Also got my face shot off with it once or twice.
  11. DeatHTaX

    Reporting in for an update!

    Well if that's true, it's rather disappointing. But again, back to my question...where the hell are all the players? I can't get a good feel of how many we have because you can no longer tell an empty server from a server with people on it, which if that is truly the case (I've been known to be wrong about things) I genuinely wonder the purpose for that switch. Especially now that you can't even tell if the server you joined has people on it an hour later, because I don't know about everyone else, but player interaction is literally the best thing going for this game IMO.
  12. I hear this feature will be completed by summer of 2024 :P
  13. DeatHTaX

    Why I've stopped

    I'm with Mookie...I returned recently to see how everything was going, and was incredibly unimpressed as far as the overall game experience is concerned. Yes, there are some improvements, but I think they can't see the forest from the trees IMO. I personally never minded the PvP. It was a rush to have to worry about someone being around every corner while you were trying to scavenge for food. Not to mention is was just plain damn fun. Upon my return, I have died from hypothermia, food poisoning (somehow from cooked chicken...), getting insta-killed by zombies that pop out of nowhere when I get a frame lag and roundhouse kick me for 9999 damage, and I genuinely killed myself after a 4 hour run of doing nothing but picking berries and drinking pond water because I literally couldn't find anything. This game has become rather boring, I must say.
  14. DeatHTaX

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    Hiding under them was fun, too... Oh shit did I say that out loud? I mean...erm...FU-..... *Ahem* I HAVE NEVER EXPLOITED EVER NEVER FOREVER NEVER. I AM AN HONOURORABLE PLAYER.
  15. Well one anti-ghosting mechanic they had (whether intentional or not) was the reload noise that was played when someone logged in nearby. I can't for the life of me think of a good reason why they removed that.
  16. DeatHTaX

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ

    Shot a guy in the face who had broken legs
  17. DeatHTaX

    So if we have a FN trombone now......

    I had my hands on the trombone once, didn't get to use it though. I would like to ACTUALLY have a trombone to play some mellow tunes when my character is feeling down... or whack the shit out of someone with
  18. DeatHTaX

    Lets get real, the real issue with this game

    Ha no way. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see the new renderer coming down the pipe any time soon. Seriously, I would LOVE to be wrong.
  19. DeatHTaX

    [DayZ Colony] Prison Break - Part II (Event Film)

    Ha what a clusterfu*k. That was fun to watch.
  20. DeatHTaX

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    I would like to see in the future the ability to take individual rails and be able to screw them/attach them to weapons to allow for mounting. it would be incredibly easy to jury rig a tactical rail onto a wooden weapon to mount attachments onto. screws x 2 Screw Driver Tactical Rail + Mosin = Mosin with attachment capability. I mean sure it would be hideous as all get out but pretty practical for a bipod or a flashlight.
  21. I would like to see the inventory system go to some sort of "free item placement" mechanic, where the objects themselves take up the space, and the entire space is just one large box that the items go into.
  22. DeatHTaX

    Plate Carrier Accessories?

    I found a cup holder accessory and a bottle opener attachment yesterday
  23. DeatHTaX

    0.54 Issues

    Hm I could've sworn I saw it somewhere. Idk maybe I'm crazy lol
  24. DeatHTaX


    You haven't been playing enough. They are still everywhere Can I have his steam name and Steam ID so I can...uh...play with him? Not that I'd take video evidence of him doing it and report him or anything... <.< >.>
  25. DeatHTaX

    I just thought I'd let you know...

    DayZ needs golf clubs. Golf is a REAL genteman's sport! Oh and hockey stick is OP. It's pretty much a one hit knockout to the head. I've smacked the sh*# out of several people trying to come at me all crossways