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Posts posted by HalZyon

  1. No.








    Only time will tell with the new physics engine.


    I was talking to my friend at work today after the presentation Dean did and said


    "I wonder if after they put in the physics engine and bicycles, if crashing while going down a hill at 80 miles per hour on a bike would result in some hilarious ragdoll action right before a horrific death?"


    Aye, that went through my mind. Cuz if throwing something at someone causes damage, i'd imagine causing damage with bikes isn't that far off? 

  2. Will we be able to kill zombies by Bicycle?


    Will we get thrown off/ dismount a bicycle on impact by zombie or geometry? (i.e. getting hit by or hitting a zombie/wall) 


    Will impact with zombie or geometry incur a reduction in a bicycles structural integrity? 


    Lastly, is kinetic force carried from one object to another? I.e. Driving a  bike into a zombie, which in turns smashes against another zombie, which smashes against a brick wall, while launching the player off the bike 


    Food for thought :o 



  3. Buy a friend this game, then ask him to run over to your place. Ask him to "reset you" by using a gun you dropped on the ground for him and loot your body for you, so you can get some of your stuff back from him, and then you two adventure together, or separate ways. 


    Consider it "emergent gameplay." I always consider glitches to be random event "features" that brings about a situation where thinking out of the box is required. 


    That's my work-around anyway..... 

  4. I used my old name on a regular server. Still a random character with random gear. He also looks like a character I had a few deaths ago with civilian gear.


    Aye, judging from the reports coming in from all over the forums, characters from various timelines from last week are restored. My own character was a save from a week ago. I can imagine it'd be even more confusing if one ahd several characters succumbing to several dark fates within the last week... It's almost as if the Hive stopped saving characters a week ago and can only recall the character that existed at that point in time. 

  5. Got a heart attack when your character vanished from the main menu? Your not the only one. 


    Your saved pre-0.32.114557 hive character is actually safe/transferred on servers marked "Regular". I have confirmed this with my own character. Transit between public regular servers is "safe" (as far as Alpha goes...) with your "default" hive character without it getting wiped.  


    When you start on a hardcore server, you will receive a new character, but your regular character will not be overwritten. He/she will be waiting for you the next time you play on a regular server.


    I *think* you need to use the same character name your pre-0.32.114557 char had, but I haven't confirmed this yet. If your name changed, you need to use the same nickname you used for that character. 


    Currently all "Public" Regular servers seem to share the default hive, whereas public hardcore servers are on a different hive.

    Whether public hardcore servers SHARE a hive between hardcore servers is something I haven't confirmed yet. 


    "Private" Regular or Hardcore servers have their VERY OWN SEPARATE HIVE. Your characters on those servers will be server specific/unique and won't transfer to other servers (unless they explicitly share the same sub-hive) 


    P.s. Not entirely sure about Veteran servers. Gonna test it out now. 

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