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Everything posted by Drofzz

  1. First of all, i need to say i love this game, and one of the best games so fare i've played.. however there are some things realy anoying me about the current medicin. i kinda got OCD about this, as it seems a little wierd, that your player can swallow a whole box of painkillers, without suffering some kinda of side effect, and taking all the morfine as well. and when i bandage myself, i also wonder where i had the wound. Painkillers Current As the current Alpha build, painkillers comes in boxes, however he needs a whole box of painkillers to getter better. Idea How about Painkiller boxes got an amount of pills inside it (as magazines). and you need to decide how many you need to get better.. and if you take to many of them, you can get piosened, and your vision gets blured. Whenever you loot more painkillers, they can stack in an amount fo 200 in each box. (maby you need 20-35 pills to get better (depending on how bad you feel). Problems 1) Problem about stacking pills, is they give more inventory space. but as painkillers currently are not that critical a need, mostly non are running with more then 1 or 2 boxes. 2) More en 1 inventory slot, makes it easier to come by. This could be fixed by reducing the spawns to make it a more rare find, currently i find them everywhere. Morfine Current The Morfine is a pretty needed item, as crawling all the way cross the map to find it for a broken leg is just anoying.. personally i just kill my self, no matter how good equipment i have. and since lately i havnt been able to find morfine anywhere except hospitals. Idea As Painkillers, the morfine injections take up alot of inventory space, even thogh the needles are very small.. how about stacking them into a bundle of 2 or 3 (but still only spawns as 1 so you need to collect 3, to get a full bundle). this way they last longer, and you dont have to go ransag a hospital each time you get wounded. Problems Ofcause this will really make big changes, as some people (including myself) find it hard to remember to get stock/restocking before going on adventure. but it could be fixed by making a side effect taking too much morfine, by getting ill and faint.. maby puke up food, so you need to eat and drink water to get better. Morfine also have been knows to make people dizzy. Bandages current i see bandages pretty well balances.. but what i realy wanted to see, is if i bleed from the arm.. my arm gets a state of bandaged.. (if its the leg, body or head.. its ofcasue the head that gets that state). this could be used if a zombie hits you that bandaged state, it will hurt like hell, and a chance for the wound to get reexposed, so you need to fix the bandage again.. Conclusion As i see it, it could get alot harder to tent wounds boken legs, and pain if there also was some side effect from keep eating medicin, making it more risky to getting swarmed by zombies. and some better invetory management for storeing midical supplies, as it seem a little funny a player can swallow a whole box of painkillers, and walk away from that.. i would belive that would be more damaging then helping :P hope people got some constructive critism, or other things to add.. as this is my own ideas.
  2. so i have been playing in some high populated servers lately. i feel really bad about killing players, however it seems its either that or be killed.. alot of people dont respond when talking to them voice/chat. biggest problem is i really dont want to kill anyone, but i think i passed 15-20 kills in my current game. mostly becasue there are no time to do anything else.. whenever i know there are others in the house or near me, i mostly warn them and tell them they got 20 sec to run away.. and then listen for fotsteps run away from me.. but mostly people react just as offensive as me, and run streight against me, and want to kill me. now dont get me wrong, this makes the game very very very exciting, but this does sometimes get out of hand, that each time i meet a new player i have to either shoot them, or run away to survive.. instead of actually teaming up... not even when people say they are friendly would i even trust them, as when i started out playing, people still shot me, when they said that.. so i guess people exploid trust from others, to gain thair loot.. whenever i start out fresh, i always walk to Chernogorsk and follow the road up north for some peace and quietness, as i know most people keep dieing, and stay near the coast for some reason, and that makes a better place for surviving longer inland, then near coast. i never really have problems with zombies, as they seems pretty easy to avoid, and playing at night, using the crossbow to take out zombies at a low expense, and quietly seems too easy. i never snipe other survivors as i don't got a problem with them being there, i just dont want to be the same place as them, as the chance of surviving seems to decay. i know alot of players thinks as me, they are afraid to die from another player... personally i find that as a 80% part of that game.. even it bothers me when i eventually die, i do think of it as i just wasnt aware enough, and i should have looked to both sides of the road before crossing it. now my question is.. how do you guys survive? do you got any special methodes to check if other survivors are friendly of less friendly? or do you just avoid them, and shoot if they spot you, and you got no other chance to survive then shoot them. i really wanna know, because if any of you got some good ideas to make some friends ingame, i could really use them. thanks
  3. Drofzz

    Kill or be killed (PVP)

    so its fairly same experience others got too.. just diffrent way to taggle it. :)
  4. Drofzz

    Kill or be killed (PVP)

    problem about taking chances and risks in this game, when you really found some good and hard-to-find gear.. the margin for error is as good as zero.. if you take risks with that gear becasue you want to see if a guy is friendly.. you die for sure :P
  5. I've been searching forums for hours with no help.. it seems to be a big problem when using an ATI card.. Windows 7 AMD Raadeon ATI HD 6850 (driver version: 8.961.0.0) darkness [attachment=808] settings [attachment=809] flare [attachment=810]
  6. arhh okay.. i just got all confused, becasue i never seen that before.. thanks for the info.. i guess i am going to find a flashlight for next night then :P
  7. Drofzz

    Can't start A2:CO ! Help

    reg.exe is needed. as it gets the game path from the reg archive.. it seems the cmd can't find the gamepath and closes down.. you proberly need to run the game as admin, to get access to reg.exe if you kinda just wanna play the game, and avoid all thouse error, you can try the Six Updater Suite @ http://dayzmod.com/su.php it install all files you need to play DayZ (if you already got Arma 2 and OA install afcasue) then it bypass the cmd script and all that type of stuff that seems to be buggy in the steam version