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About TheRealAchilles

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheRealAchilles

    3D models from Russia

    Great work Rick!
  2. Hello what if I have Arma 2 not on steam but then i buy operation arrowhead on steam will i be able to play dayz even if my regular arma 2 is non steam and AO is.
  3. TheRealAchilles

    3D models from Russia

    Great work I love you.
  4. TheRealAchilles

    NY7 hacked

    There is a way to bypass battle eye global bans and the people that get banned are just going to keep on doing it and keep nuking servers its shitty.
  5. TheRealAchilles

    code version 1.7.0

    Go here and download dayz_code_v1.7.0.rar make sure u put it in ur DayZ folder http://cdn.armafiles.info/
  6. TheRealAchilles

    Irish lad looking to join Survivors Group

    Check out this thread! http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2568