Hello Everybody! I have played Dayz on the same computer with two different steam accounts. Until two days ago, I was able to sign off one char on steam acct#1 and play a completely different character on steam acct #2 (still using the same computer). Switched back and forth as many times as I liked on my same computer. Now, both steam accounts (again, each with a bought version of Dayz) will only load the same one character!?!?! How could this be? I thought each character was associated with each paid steam account, not on the computer itself. I was doing it just fine for a month before this started happening. Another odd thing, I noticed that in my DOCUMENTS/Dayz folder. It creates a new playerPROFILE & VAR file. Both steam account seems to be "sharing it" even though they should load their respective characters. Previously DOCUMENTS/Dayz other profiles folder contained the unique names of each of my steams chars... Has that changed? Any help would be nice. I'm not sure what changed from a couple days ago till tonight.