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About dolem

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    On the Coast
  1. Yep. I later found it works best like a very short range weapon than a melee weapon. If you hit the zombies before they get too close you won't get hurt.
  2. [story from a dude who solos, and isn't all that great but has a lot of fun] I spawn on the beach and check my gear. Shit- no gun or food. There's nothing nearby so I head out. Run across a place named Staroy or something, I can't read very well and I like to keep moving. There's a couple hangars and a little tower off in the distance. As I'm sneaking towards the hangars, a zombie notices me then another- shit! I run into one of the hangars, grabbing a smoke grenade and then hide inside a shipping container. I've attracted several zombies, but they can't seem to figure out how to get in here, so I wait. I think another player runs by and all the zombies are attracted by him- except one. Well I'm still weaponless but I chuck my smoke bomb out the container, and... he follows it! Nice- now I can sneak out and head over to that tower I saw. Along the way I pick up a hatchet. I climb up the side of the tower and have a look around. There's no guns in here except a crossbow, but I do find some other gear and a ton of useless ammo. I head to the top of the tower to get a look around. Oh, man, I see a guy running, with about eight zombies following him, he's fucked. He's coming straight for my tower. Time to get my hatchet ready. He runs all the way to the top of the tower, joining me. I tell him "get out of the way" because he's standing next to the ladder. I move in and chop up five zombies with my hatchet and then bandage up. He's hurt pretty bad too and finally manages to bandage himself. Apparently this guy can't talk because he's not responding to anything I say. We head down a level. A few more zombies are climbing up, so I take them out too, but this time I'm hurting pretty bad. My vision is going in and out, and I'm panicing. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and bring down my hatchet twice. My vision fades back in and- sorry man. I was just trying to help you and ended up hacking you to bits. Time to get the hell outta here.
  3. How could anyone be dumb enough to think that the dev team actually considers it expected game play to camp out of bounds? I'm sure it will get fixed at some point.