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Everything posted by Kesterlath

  1. Kesterlath

    I have a complaint.

    So, I logged in tonight for my first time AT night and found out it was night only on all servers. (Apologies, just started playing on Sat.) Couldn't see anything, Turned on my flashlight, still couldn't see SFA really, looked up and saw a 3/4 moon and thought, Huh, should be able to see more. I logged out, came to the forums and read up on day/night cycle arguments. Consensus seems to be this is a "survival simulator" therefore the night should be as long as an actual night. Ok, good enough for me, I can buy that argument. Log back on and crank up my gamma until I deemed it looked like a washed out moonscape and began running around. Now, because of the latest patch/character wipe I lost my map and my compass, but I knew I needed to head north-westish to hit some towns form when I did actually find a map. Off I went through the fields and the forests and happily stumbled on a pond where I drank my thirst into submission. Now, take note, from spawn until now is about 10 minutes and I have had no hunger signs at all. From the drinking trough I headed off again and soon enough stumbled upon a small village (10 houses tops) where all the doors were shut (which I am led to believe it hasn't been previously searched... via the forums) Searched all 10 or so houses thoroughly, (still used flashlight in house to mkae sure I didn't miss anything) and found exactly 7 magnum rounds and 2 zombies. No gear, no clothes, no drinks and no food. Ok, no problem, Head off down the road to the next cheery hamlet. Came to a 'T' in the road and the wife says go left... Being the obedient husband I am, off to the left I went. running along my way I see "I feel like eating" messages start to pop up. I then found out that by going left I was working my way back to the coast (no map remember?) Now I'm on the coast and the "hunger" meter is orange and my stumach grumbled violently. At this point I'm 20-30 minutes into my journey. I figure it's farther back the way I came than to go to the coastal towns, so off I hurry stomach-a-grumbling. As I get to the first town, all the buildings that have doors closed have nothing, and all the building with the doors open, surprisingly, also have nothing... Off I head to the North to the next town, same results. The difference is, my meter is now red and "I am dying of starvation!" So! My complaint is this... If... We are to have nights that last ALL night, etc, and this is a "survival simulator" WHY... Do I go form not being hungry to dying of starvation in a little under an hour? This seems to me to be an unfair interval of time based on basic human physiology. We should have a minimum of 5 day and 5 night cycles before the whole "starvation" issue becomes pressing. In a world where I can drink from a pond to slake my thirst, yet my fire ax is incapable of opening a can of beans, spaghetti, tuna or sardines (with a pull tab for Pete's sake) going from a meal to dying of starvation in an hour doesn't seem too simulator-ish to me. I'm all for the whole simulator experience, but I don't feel that the devs can just arbitrarily turn a blind eye to reality on some issues and not others. For instance, if I am bleeding badly enough to lose all my blood in 3 minutes, ripping up my t-shirt to form 2 rags, 1 of which is sufficient to heal me up peachy-keen, shouldn't be a magic- cure-all. If nothing else I should need to change my bandage fairly regularly for a day or two to ensure good healing. If these 2 relatively obvious things are glossed over, then why are we forced to have nights that last... well... ALL NIGHT?!
  2. Kesterlath

    I have a complaint.

    Try less weed smoking and more reading, you'll go farther...
  3. Kesterlath

    I have a complaint.

    Ok, now that I know about the whole 600 units versus 20,000 units it makes a lot more sense. As you said, I DO know it's alpha, I'm not saying they did it wrong, I'm saying it "SEEMED" wrong to me. Perhaps intead of repeating the Alpha statement in different fonts you could have posted some useful information that actually spoke to the topic at hand. @Zollicoffer: /fistbump I also stated I only went to the coastal towns out of desperation as opposed to a misguided hope of finding food... Oh, and as for the whole don't head off into the forest at night without the right gear thing... /Agree... Unless... People are actively looking to murder you for the simple fact you may be carrying a can of beans! I'll take my chances in the forest thanks! ;)
  4. Kesterlath

    I have a complaint.

    By the way Colekern, thanks for the "eating til full" tip, didn't know that one.
  5. Kesterlath

    I have a complaint.

    Of course I know what Alpha means, it's why I bought the game. To give input. If you had read my post, you would see the part where I said I turned up the gamma until it ACTUALLY looked like a moonlit night, not a pitch-black, subterranean realm. I also stated I was using my flashlight in the house to search, so obviously it couldn't have been that high, now could it? If I look at the night sky and see a billion stars and a nice bright moon I SHOULD be able to see my way around to a fair degree WHILE OUTSIDE... If you don't believe me, try turning off your computer, and go outside at night when there's a bright moon some time... My complaint is not that the night is long, my complaint is that the time to go from not hungry to dying of starvation is ridiculously short based on the fact we are "simulating" survival. I do actually happen to know a thing or two about survival, I taught it. I am merely pointing out this fact in the hopes this will be examined and adjusted. Perhaps you should work on your typing skills if you think 3 1/2 paragraphs take a long time to type. i wrote the original post in about 5 minutes. Maybe you're used to WAAAAHHHHFIIIIXXXIIIT! as the sum total of a post. Perhaps if people tried, logical, literate postings more often, they would find they got a better response.
  6. Kesterlath

    So, I found a map...

    I started playing just the other day on the standalone. I quickly got scratched by a zombie and bled to death, fell off a flight of stairs, broke my legs and crawled around until I bled to death and then figured it out. Now I've played the same character for 3 days, have some ok gear (can't find a weapon apart from a splitting ax (not bad) and a firefighter's ax, (seems to be same damage but looks cooler...) and then...... I found a map! Hallelujah! Then a compass! Nirvana is nigh! My question here is, has anyone else found a map? I searched for map and found no topics, hence my query. next item in line is the fact that on one server I could see my location on the map via a yellow circle with a line to indicate my facing direction. On all other servers I still have the map but no location marker, forcing me to figure out my location via road visuals compared to the map. (which I'm ok with I'm just curious why some servers are different...) By the way Devs, lovin it! Keep up the hard work.
  7. Kesterlath

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    This I can agree with as long as there's a good chance to blow yourself up while doing it. How bad do you really want to refuel your gas canister using some sketchy rig you MacGyvered... That bad huh? Ok buddy, hang on while i back up a kilometer or so...