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Everything posted by Scubasteve2020

  1. Scubasteve2020

    Paper and pen....

    LOL I TOOK THE GUN. I can just see it now.
  2. Scubasteve2020

    [Possible Fps/Lag Fix Solutions]

    This helped me out greatly thank you very much OP!!!! The only issue I have now is in the major towns. I can not escape massive FPS drops any time I am in one. Everywhere else runs crystal smooth (not on max settings, but quality isn't to bad). If anyone can point out if my rig isn't up to par to really run this game, I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. How could it possibly effect us? I mean here we are playing the game as we should with flashlights, while the nocturnal players with perfect eye sight at night don't have to give away there position and can hunt us down at their leisure. Boy this night time stuff sure is a blast.
  4. Scubasteve2020

    Well this is cute..........

    I missed the part that stated a majority of NA would only be able to play at night >.> Fingers crossed then, I hope so as well.
  5. Scubasteve2020

    Well this is cute..........

    Why can't we have both? Let some people play the way there 30 dollars went towards to.
  6. Scubasteve2020

    Well this is cute..........

    I can handle night time. I can't handle the fact it will always be night from now on when I play, unless I spend 30 minutes refreshing over and over on the offbeat chance I can get in one of the 4 servers that isn't GMT.
  7. Scubasteve2020

    All servers on night?

    What do you mean?
  8. Scubasteve2020

    DayZ servers for NA. GMT Time Difference SUCKS.

    Or just spread out the times for all the servers. If a majority of NA is going to be stuck always playing at night this is going to flop.
  9. Scubasteve2020

    All servers on night?

    I see the ones actually in daylight. The problem is those 6 are completely packed full because the majority don't like playing night if they don't have to.
  10. Scubasteve2020

    Let's make this game realistic

    Mine would be the fact that one of the only times of the day I get to play is only going to be during night mode at this point.
  11. Scubasteve2020

    Let's make this game realistic

  12. Scubasteve2020

    Let's make this game realistic

    Let's make a few random spawns blind when they load in because realism.
  13. Scubasteve2020

    All servers on night?

    When does the sun rise so I can actually play again?
  14. Scubasteve2020

    All servers on night?

    I honestly don't see what the big deal is allowing players to choose wether or not they want to play in night or daytime....
  15. I would also appreciate some insight on this.
  16. Scubasteve2020

    every server appears night time?

    Nope. I am getting it as well. I hope this doesn't become a permanent thing for this time range.
  17. Scubasteve2020

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Ummmm is the gamma exploit where you turn it all the way up so you can see like daytime? Because I was just able to do that.
  18. Scubasteve2020

    Daytime servers

    Mostly because I don't want to be stuck in permanent night time. I only have a few hours to play a day and if it's going to be night time each time, it's going to get rather boring.