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Everything posted by sanguinius51

  1. sanguinius51

    The svetloyarsk community

    I WILL CRUSH YOU, PATHETIC WORM! Um... Will those strippers be affordable, or expensive?
  2. sanguinius51

    The svetloyarsk community

    Lance Corporal Sanguine, reporting oh great Governor. 15, but with the soul of an 'Old-Mate.' I estimate 11 players killed that represented a threat, not including fresh-spawns using fire extinguishers or fists, I mean armed people. My preferred job is a perimeter guard, meaning I would patrol the forests. This may also fall under hunter-gatherer, but not really under zombie exterminator. I prefer to steer clear of the undead. unless it is in service of our great city, Svetloyarsk. I can offer food, water, 2 medical bags and much 5.56 ammunition. I also have a few walkie-talkies, so I can keep in contact with our great city.
  3. sanguinius51

    You Dont Know How Rare TKSO Pants Are,,,,,,

    Oh, I know. I know how rare the Mosin is too. Indeed, I have searched the lands of Chernarus for many days now, going village to village, barn to barn, and by necessity (and sheer goddamn frustration!) using the DayZdb map. I didn't want to, but I decided that I would find a Mosin. I didn't.
  4. sanguinius51

    Can You Add A Server To Favorits From In Game?

    History doesn't usually work; it's all jumbled. I recommend just keeping a history list. I think if you don't play on a server for a while, the server get's removed from the list?
  5. sanguinius51

    Alt Tab Death

    More game-breaking than bloody DayZdb map... On the mod, I printed out a map, and then put markers on that, including points of interest, suspected bases, and so forth. Oh, how I wish for a laminated A2 extremely high-def poster of Chernarus, so that I can mark areas and circle and so forth. I don't care if THAT'S bloody gamebreaking, it would be hella awesome!
  6. sanguinius51

    Alt Tab Death

    I understand, Mosley, but that's more of an explanation in basic nav, and the reasons for getting it right. I'm not encouraging people to directly go straight to NWAF, however I am encouraging them to study their compass, use proper navigation, and thus make it to their waypoint with no fuss. The NWAF is used as an example, and since people go there most of the time, I thought I would enlighten them. Plus, most people do not understand the road signs...
  7. sanguinius51

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    I for one haven't found a blood test kit yet, so... However, realistically, there wouldn't be too many blood test kits in hospitals, would there be? I mean, they don't go through dozens of patients, each of them requiring a blood transfusion, each day, do they? I mean, they're not very large hospitals.
  8. sanguinius51

    How Big Is The World Right Now?

    Well, if you're counting the jet flying room, remember to count the twenty something kilometres the map extends out from the borders. Well, more really. I would like to see an actual figure of how far those foothills extend out from the border.
  9. sanguinius51

    Dayz Backstory?

    I think it'd be really cool if a lot more CORPSES were added. I mean, not all people who were attacked by zombies became them. Mainly because zombies use their hands in this mod. It'd be disturbing, true, but kind of... cool in a way, as you can see the true effects of the apocalypse. Maybe have a field of corpses at the docks, where military personnel opened fire on the infected inside the crowd. Or... maybe even THE crowd.
  10. Interesting. I've had that sort of situation before, and it just helps if they think you're a total badass. For example, in my Guardian of Elektro post, it did help that I dispatched zombies rather quickly, and when I've had to, killed a player without a moments thought. If they think you're a badass, they're a lot less likely to kill you. But shooting you when you're bandaging, that's just dawg, man.
  11. sanguinius51

    Alt Tab Death

    Ah, also, if you do get a compass, and you happen to be doing good ol' hardcore navigation, remember to get your direction fairly accurate. I know it's difficult at the moment, but let me explain. I am comfortable with the mils system and the degrees system. I know that for one kilometre, every mil you are off means 1 meter. Doesn't sound very big, does it? IT'S BLOODY ENORMOUS. Because if you travel 2 kilometres, and your off by a bare 10 mils, that's TWENTY METRES. THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW THE RAMIFICATIONS OF WHAT I SPEAK SHOULD KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Especially you, NorCalSniper. Your average journey from Cherno to NWAF is 8 kilometres. Now, there are roughly 18 mils in one degree. 6400/360 = 17.777 recurring. Rounding up, 18. Now, I know the compasses at the moment are dodgy, and it should be fixed, but some mistakes cannot be excused. Friends have gotten me 2 kilometres off course, because they didn't study it enough. Say you're off by 10 degrees. Fairly easy, considering the state now. 10 x 18 = 180 metres. That's one kilometre. If you're heading to NWAF, that's 8. 180 x 8 = 1440 metres! ALMOST HALF A KILOMETER AND A HALF! ALMOST A MILE! Now, if you're experienced, you may say 'Oh, I know where the bloody NWAF is, you mutt!' So do I. What about the newbie, hmm? He doesn't know the landscape. What if you're heading to the great northern forests, to a base? Well mate, unless you know the area like the back of your hand, you won't find it. Which is why I may create a Nav. thread with information on resections and stuff. I remember a time when a mate of mine had a compass in-game. We ended up about 3 kilometres off course, at which point I promptly grabbed it and then had to try and remember the Russian names of towns. With in-game and real life experience in nav, I can tell you, if one thing is critical, get your bearing right. Oh, and account for the grid-magnetic variation.
  12. sanguinius51

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    Nastra, just find an Arma 2 or 3 community, see if they have a DayZ standalone group, befriend them all and make them chums, and your good! I agree with one part of your title - you are too trusting! But you can never be too nice. You should have shouted at him to drop his weapon or put it in his backpack, and have your weapon raised all the time in that situation. Have an idea of where they are, try and always keep an eye on them, and assess them via their speech and armament. Sniper rifle Mosin Guy with full camo, ballistic helmet and hunting backpack is most likely a bandit, while nice trusting guy in the raincoat, mountain backpack and whatever-weapon is probably a legit survivor! You can never know, though... Entertaining.
  13. sanguinius51

    Alt Tab Death

    You can sort of roughly navigate to points of interest not using a map anyway, you just need a compass. I mean, take one look at a map so you roughly know what Chernarus looks like (as any survivor would) and then put it away. You would know that the NWAF is basically directly north of Cherno, and using good navigation, you can make it there easily. Say you have to go around an obstacle. Now usually, in Arma, you don't have to navigate around an obstacle. I mean, there are no rivers or creeks or rock formations that you could hurt yourself on. But say, there's a town? Or a large group of players, or even just one well armed play in a town. How do you effectively navigate around that so that even though you have veered off course, you can still return to a point and then move roughly in that direction? It's quite easy, using common sense. You just face where you are going, and then line up with something in that direction. It can be a house, a tree, a car, doesn't matter, just something unique. Good? Now pick a point, far away from your obstacle (if you need to be far away), and have it so that you can get there without meeting the obstacle, or being exposed to it. Now, just travel there, and then travel from there to your first point. Then resume your journey. If you do have a map, but are completely lost, and they've disabled your player marker, you can also do a resection, but that isn't really necessary.
  14. I regret to inform you of this, but you're mistaken. Well, they obviously would have been trying to contain the infection, and may even have had reinforcements, but... The storyline of Arma 2, which featured Chernarus, focused on a Marine Expeditionary Unit which has deployed to Chernarus in order to combat an insurgency. You see, the Chernarussian Government was almost destroyed, they were nice, they had oil, yada yada yada, 'Murica got deployed. They eventually crushed the insurgency, but as we know, it's like crushing an ant - it still maintains some motion and life. The 'Muricans were obviously deployed as peacekeeping, and since there was a zombie outbreak, they obviously thought they could contain it. Poor buggers...
  15. sanguinius51

    The Chedaki and Other Factions

    As an addition to your idea (I had it a while a go, actually; forgot to suggest it) but apart from just stashes in the forest, weapons in houses! Especially in isolated villages/houses, it may be as simple as a SKS in the cupboard, or an AK hidden under the floorboards. Which leads me to the idea of having hidden compartments. This also branches kind of into underground areas. if the houses has a shed, there may be a very slim chance (for example, 15%) that there may be a box buriend in the ground under the shed, with ammo and a weapon. The same for floorboards in the house. Cellars could hold a weapon, along with plenty of food and long life milk. This would make it a lot more realistic, and pertaining to the situation - a country that just recently suffered an insurgency.
  16. sanguinius51

    Where to find radios (walkies)?

    Firestations are the only places I've found them, and I find them in ABUNDANCE. Better nab yourself one before people realise they work.
  17. sanguinius51

    is there more then one public hive?

    I've had this many times actually, I'm not sure what it is. Therefore I stick to a few servers which are reliable.
  18. sanguinius51

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    It'll probably be as accurate as an M4 or more ingame - They've done a fine job of emulating weapons so far. It'll probably be a favourite weapon of choice, likely because of high fire rate (compared to Mosin) high stopping power (compared to M4), fast reload time using stripper clips (as compared to the Mosin.) I can see it being the ultimate medium range rifle, yeah. Especially if in the future we can duct-tape flashlights, and also clips to the stock of the gun. I am very excited for this SKS, indeed...
  19. If it didn't work with headset and comms, I won't use it. That would be stupid. I'd recommend just a copy-paste of the ACRE radio system (as in, range, static etc.); would probably be better than anything the Dev Team came up with; no offense, ACRE is incredibly polished.
  20. sanguinius51

    Hidden - Nuke Silo w/ live missile..

    I don't so much as hate it, as I am cautious of it. I think it should not be detonated directly on the landmass, as this would just completely interfere with players, and it would kill too many, I think. I think it should be detonated on one fo the four sides of the map - way off in the north, way off to the west, east, south etc. I could see this becoming a very challenging endgame. If it was detonated on the coast, it would force everyone to move inwards. That kind of mass migration would be badass. If it was detonated on the north or west, it would force everyone to the coast, which would be less awesome, but would create some pretty cool gunfights. Seeing the explosion, or seeing the sky go red, would make it even better. If they develop the outer portions of the map further, and maybe even the 'outside' areas, this would become a lot better. Good idea!
  21. There's something I don't get - Why fresh spawns that constantly follow you around with annoying music and noises just rush in for a quick KO?
  22. sanguinius51


    No, I mean, why don't they? We have to continue on with looting, so they can just rush in for a quick KO then?
  23. sanguinius51

    The Guardian of Elektr!

    Oh no, another long and boring DayZ story. Deal with it. Episode IV - A New Hope When I lost my completely geared up character from a bug, I spawned at that horrible tip where the southern and eastern coastlines meet. Again. Again. As always happens to me. I usually go up north towards Berezino, to avoid the snipers, however I was bored, and decided just to go straight for Elektro. As I came in uponKamyshovo, I noticed a silhouette in the distance. He was running.. Towards me. I was tired, and so just yelled out 'Hello!' to him. He turned out to be a cool bloke, and even gave me a splitter's axe, as he had a Magnum already. He said he was heading into Elektro, so I joined up with him. We met another guy in town, and we stopped at the water pump. Since I had no idea what vomiting was like, I had to try it. I ended up sick. We moved into Elektro, and lost the first guy. We stopped at the water pump, and noticed a corpse. It had a firefighter's axe, and plenty of loot, so I quickly snatched it all up. However, a gunshot rang out, and hit my shoulder. I turned around, and noticed a man with a Magnum. In complete disregard for my own safety, and I set off after him, yelling incoherent babble and scaring the shit out of him. Oh, that was enjoyable. We eventually lost him, and I had to bandage up. We went off to the school, I and peered out the windows, trying to see where he was. We happened upon two similarly armed players, and it turned out one wa shim. He profusely apologised, and I forgave him. Since we had nothing to do, the four of us set off to roam Elektro, and meet newspawns. We met two people, however one began punching the black guy, so we called him a white supremacist and promptly chopped him to bits. However, a shot rang out. We all stood there for a moment, and somebody shouted 'DON'T RUN AWAY FROM THE GUNFIRE! RUN TOWARDS IT!' We roared, and charged up the hill, and found a man, trying to explain why he shot at us. Because we killed a white supremacist? He must have been one of them! A member of our company shot him, and we also chopped him to pieces. I stole his Mosin, with a nice pristine PU and Atlas Bipod, and enough ammo to equip the red army. We declared ourselves... THE GUARDIANS OF ELEKTRO! Episode V - The Bandit Strikes Back We set off into the city, but were set upon by two heavily armed bandits. We dispersed, and since I had the only good weapon, I was tasked with killing them. I crouched near the firestation, and saw that they were firing from a bush, on the hillside. Seriously? I straight up head shotted one with the Mosin, and then poured fire into the bush to get the other. We rearmed, and I equipped myself with their M4 - ATLAS, flashlight, acog, magpul stock, coupled stanag mag - everything pristine. We went our separate ways, and I didn't see most of them. Shortly after, I came upon another band of survivors, who asked if I was the guardian of Elektro. What? they said that a person had told them there was a guardian at Elektro, so they were safe. My mind boggled, I said 'Yeah, I'm the guardian.' I searched around for charcoal tabs, and then saw two of the unarmed people I just met get slaughtered by M4 bandits! Enraged, I followed them around their journey, and shot them both when they stopped, as they saw another freshspawn. Looting their bodies, they did indeed have charcoal tabs! At which point I was shot by a sniper on Elektro hill. Episode VI - Return of the Guardian I spawned at Kamyshovo, AGAIN, and so I decided to head back. I found a firefighter's axe, and went into Elektro. I was shot at by the sniperthough, who had moved in to loot the corpses. Scared, I ran away, as he followed me. I doubled back, however, and chopped him to pieces. He saw me, plain as day, yet didn't even shoot me. Odd. And so, I guarded Elektro against five bandits, and helped kill a sniper as well (the one at the start). I feel as if I have done more than an average hero. This has been watered down - the original story was far too long.
  24. sanguinius51

    The Guardian of Elektr!

    Damn, I messed that one up!
  25. sanguinius51

    ACOG Zoom

    The zoom in the arma series is meant to represent focusing on an object. I imagine it is because, in real life, as you focus more on a particular object, you do not pay nearly as much attention to your surroundings. Pretty simple, right? However, when you're playing a computer game, that's different. You have a significantly reduced field of view, therefore even if you focus on an object, you will be able to see other objects in your FOV fine, because it is quite small. Therefore, having the ability to zoom in represents focus, because you lose perspective on other objects. Same with zoom out - you're focusing on the environment, not an object. Those are my two cents, I have heard BI staff call zoom in 'focus', and that is merely my reasoning behind that term.