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M4ster (DayZ)

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About M4ster (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. M4ster (DayZ)

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    Hm. Is that possible that they fixed it? Did anyone from developers crew mention that?
  2. M4ster (DayZ)

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    Yup i use maps. Thanks for that guide :) i'll try it tonight.
  3. M4ster (DayZ)

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    You played on persistence off serv didnt you?
  4. M4ster (DayZ)

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    Hi everyone ;). I've got few questions about heli crash sites. For me its quite important thing because i really want to find my sweet smersh vest and maybe m4 or AUG. The problem is that i've found only one long time ago and I cant find more. I try to search in every possible location but unsuccesfully :(. Where do you mainly search for heli crash sites? Where do you find it most often? Do they spawn on persistence:ON servers after 0.53 update? If you found it recently, what was the loot ? :) Sorry if my English is too bad ;x thats my first thread here :). Peace :v
  5. M4ster (DayZ)

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    God damn it its awesome :3. Thanks guys :)
  6. M4ster (DayZ)

    Do you lose characters?

    Two days ago I lost my one week character and yesterday I lost three of them. Its alpha.. u cant attach to your gear like our mate said before.
  7. M4ster (DayZ)

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    I lost my third character today.. Im bored of that ;\. I understand that this is alpha but it didnt happen before patch. Everytime i'll enter the server (same as it was when I was developing my character) its gone + lower loot everywhere = game becomes veery annoying.
  8. M4ster (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Hi guys. I noticed that there isnt any loot at military tents. Did they remove loot from there or is it broken?
  9. M4ster (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I have just lost my all pristine character ;\.. I spent over 5 hours today looting and searching for everything I had. Great.. Is there way to retrieve my guy? :\