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Everything posted by Pheonix2105

  1. Pheonix2105

    Getting kicked from server, help

    I've been having the same problem, I believe it is to do with Master BattlEye server being down, if you visit their page (http://www.battleye.com/index.html) you'll see yesterday (21/01/2014) they suffered a set back with their hosting, if you join a server but stay in the lobby(Don't click ok stay on the screen with the player list), you should see an error appearing after a minute or two stating that it couldn't connect to the BE Master server, if this is what's happening to you then we can't do anything but wait until Battleye fix it. I have had the mod for awhile and agree with you it can be annoying fixing the problems, but I've also seen how far the game has come since I started playing it and I believe they will make a great game of this.