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About basicallyrichard

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  • Bio
    NAME: Rich
    INGAME NAME: Dridge_Dredd
    AGE: 25
    Relatively experienced in dayZ, eager to try out being a hero not had many opportunities yet.

    I tend to play during the week between 19:30 and 23:00, the occasional weekend marathon is always a fun thing though.
  1. basicallyrichard

    in-game Sports

    Why don't we just ask them to create GTA with zombies in it?
  2. basicallyrichard

    (18+) Looking to form a band of Lawbringers.

    A very noble and honorable quest! I want in, but as some others have mentioned I'm skeptical of how we will know the bandits from the hero's. Unless we catch them in the act of 'banditing' we won't know for sure. But I'm eager to be involved and try and make dayZ a better game for others. 1. Steam ID: Dridge 2. Name/Nickname (What the hell do we call you?): Dridge 3. Age: 25 4. Experience level: Rookie (going on pro), only played SA 5. Special ingame skills (Good pilot from the mod, good sniper, good orientation to the map/landmarks etc.): For a rookie I think I've got good map knowledge. Also I stay up to date with latest change logs 6. Why you feel you would be a good addition to the force. Sick of SOT, willingness to help others (to the detriment of myself at times), looking for an enjoyable way to make the game better- without resorting to SOT bandit tactics myself.
  3. basicallyrichard

    New Players United

    Hi, I'm a new player- possibly even a noob, but I don't want to be a noob or a 'new' player for much longer. I'm looking to get other like minded new/noob players together and through strength in numbers (and then by experience) be considered a force to be reckoned with in DayZ! My experience: I haven't yet found a gun, and my best play through so far got wiped in the recent update- so I'm looking forward to restarting tonight with more knowledge and experience. The furthest I got was a fire axe, plenty of food, two canteens, first aid kit and the usual biker helmet and civilian back pack. But my goodness it felt good running down zombie's with a decent axe- who needs guns.... :P My approach: So far I've not been in a position to be a bandit or a Hero so who knows which way I'll go. I want to get good progress and explore the map, as well as see what DayZ when coming across other players(As of yet I haven't come across anyone who isn't a complete fresh spawn). If anyone is interested in starting out on a noob horde for survival, looting and fun PM me.
  4. basicallyrichard

    Steam name gone, character gone

    Yeah no big deal- happy to restart. Rule #2: read the rules.
  5. basicallyrichard

    Steam name gone, character gone

    Yeah Steam did an auto update- now i have lost all items. Would be nice if that didn't happen, i know it's alpha but losing all progress due to an update? Not great motivation to keep playing and report bugs. The baby photo sums up my emotions right now.