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War Path

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Everything posted by War Path

  1. Yeap, in town unless your in grey and brown ya pretty much stand out. The best this is use all available cover .
  2. War Path

    What I have been relegated to...

    Thats the thing running up on another player gets ya killed not responding gets ya killed. I personally will kill anyone, running up on me even if they are yelling friendly. stand back and chat were fine. I may even tell ya where some loot is that i didn't need.
  3. War Path

    1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

    "Shakes Head"... Facepalm....
  4. War Path

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    ya quit whinning play hardcore or just deal with it damm ...facepalm
  5. War Path

    you know you played to much DayZ when......

    At least i didn't type in one long string of words heh.
  6. War Path

    you know you played to much DayZ when......

    or when you grab clothes to wear and wonder if thier pristene. ya wake up in the morning and wonder why your not on the coast
  7. War Path

    Is anyone tired of this game because of KOS?

    i agree kos is a part of the game, ya it sucks to spend hours foraging for supplies and then boom the you are dead screen but like Rhodes said its the tension it adds to the game. just be more vigilant when traveling.and a old hat statement dont stay on the coast espically running to eleckto or cherno . Head Inland and dont say but but ill starve to death there are plenty of small villages and scattered houses to find food in
  8. War Path

    For the good of the game

    Facepalm .....
  9. wait we didnt see the use the search function reply lol alpha no shit we know that , There will always be some QQ in forums and this game is shitty but thats what ya get when its a public forum. im sick of the its alpha as much as im sick of the qq y'all need a time out imo
  10. War Path

    What music hits you when you play?

    megadeth, sweating bullits Danzig, going down to die and i dont mind the pain
  11. War Path

    omg in rage new player!

    ya basically dont get attached to gear.ya can loose it at any given moment for any reason which for me makes it fun starting off as a new spawn sometimes breaks up the ok im geared now what delimma
  12. War Path

    pure debauchery

    Id like to see shanty towns,brothels, cannibalism every sort of twisted part of humanity make this a epic wasteland
  13. War Path

    pure debauchery

    Thats to funny man ..guy brand new to game would freak
  14. War Path

    pure debauchery

    Not the prostitution animations that wpuld make the kids spaz lol but i mean why not the seeder side for immerision sake it cant all be look im a bambie ahh lets stop n smell the flowers ..., i do think the pants bandits are funny as hell ..
  15. War Path

    pure debauchery

    Nothing like playing poker for ammo heh.. hmmmm hellofresh spawn... im hungery hack kilkill cut him up now i got food heh
  16. Hmmm make ya wonder if the ones claiming need vid proof or its desync might be hackers. like saying theres nothing to see here just move along yet something is there just a thought . not accusing anyone
  17. War Path

    24 hours of game

    280 hours and still having a blast. getting killed is half the fun you never know when it will happen either from a sniper or a glitch makes it interesting for me.Exploration is the other half spint in a circle for a few seconds when ya stop thats the direction of travel that day heh
  18. War Path

    Realism & Terminology in DayZ

  19. War Path

    DayZ feels American

    This a game .. if your that worried about items then make your own game or just dont use them.. i could care less if its americian or russin or which ever country quit y'all sniveling its getting old quick..
  20. War Path

    Identifying Players

    if ya ask non aggressivly we might tell ya
  21. War Path

    So there I was...

    heh didnt say oh shit over chat was what went through my mind . Don't like to yell crap over chat no reason for it .
  22. War Path

    So there I was...

    mine was in bfe flashlighting a barn. spun around and it was in my face was oh shit heh
  23. War Path

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    270 hours and found a few i dump em in the woods no use for em personally just dont want ta get picked off peeking my head around a corner....
  24. War Path

    Remove guns from the game.

    just..... Facepalm.
  25. running through the forest noth of balto seen a statue of lennen and a ham raido next to it was wtf how the hell they move the thing out here